Heather Shore

Heather Stone is a writer, speaker, teacher, and host of the Pursuing Redemption Podcast.

Dating after Divorce

Eventually, you move forward, heal, and let go of any past mistakes you made.

PURSUING REDEMPTION PODCAST: Michael Wenger Shared His Son’s Miraculous Story—Healing and Deliverance is for Today

Michael Wenger and I discuss the miraculous healing of his son Silas along with his faith journey. We all think of the ‘big’ miracles God performs, but God is also in the business of the ‘small’ things.

PURSUING REDEMPTION PODCAST: Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare and Her Inner Healing Journey – with Dana Lyn

Dana’s testimony is one of God’s power to set us free and help all of us walk out of John 10:10 in our everyday lives. 

9 Tips to Handle Your Grieving Process

Taking our feelings to God helps soften the blow of grief.

PURSUING REDEMPTION PODCAST: Unyielding Faith and Equipping Us to Spread the Gospel – with Robby Dawkins

Today, we have a beautiful conversation about God working in the world. Robbie Dawkins’ family story, which marked his life at a young age, really sets forth the mandate to ‘Set the Table’ and see and expect God to do the miraculous in your life.

PURSUING REDEMPTION PODCAST: Bringing the Roar Back in God’s Calling – with Sharelle Mendenhall

Sharelle Mendenhall gives words of wisdom, encouragement, and joy to those looking to step into their calling and find healing through life’s trials.

Walk Wisely with God

Trust chooses to believe God is bigger than my problem.

PURSUING REDEMPTION PODCAST: Overcoming Religion and Stepping Into Freedom – with Dr. Lanelle Chase

Our discussion centers around coming to faith in Jesus and walking out from under the spirit of religion. This powerful testimony will leave you craving to know the one true God more every day.

PURSUING REDEMPTION PODCAST: How the Church Needs to Grow in Healing and Deliverance – Wanda Alger

Since an unexpected angelic encounter in 2002, Wanda ministers through a spirit of wisdom and revelation that empowers believers to know their authority, embrace their calling, and demonstrate heavenly realities on the earth (Ephesians 1:17.)

Finding Joy

Thankfulness is a weapon and it creates joy in our lives when we live it out.

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