God designed each of us to live in community and to grow in our walk with Christ.
God designed each of us to live in community and to grow in our walk with Christ.
To my friends and family combating cancer, you are heroes and have taught me to hold onto hope.
This type of control is all about who has the power in the relationship.
Keeping gratitude present and holding onto joy can bring us farther in the journey than we realize.
God will use us in quirky ways to show His love to others.
God wants you to surround yourself with those who lift you up, help you flourish, and move you forward.
As we head into Thanksgiving, I keep reminding myself of the good things my parents have done.
Through all our choices and hardships, hope exists and will be there at the end of the journey.
The perpetrator’s hope is to undermine the self-worth and dignity of the one they are abusing.
I knew in my heart I wasn’t stupid, but it didn’t stop the words from hurting my soul.
This woman got to meet the creator of the universe and hear how God would use her to tell others about Him.
Freedom truly does unlock the key to an abundant life, and it’s something we’re called to as followers.
Through total reliance on God, my confidence has come back to help me live out my purpose.
Focusing on a good God who offers us freedom will help us even when we can’t move.
God’s love and His spoken word by the power of the Holy Spirit empower me to stand in the storm.
My pilgrimage with the Lord has brought full restoration to my once-shattered heart.
Dealing with self-rejection requires turning to God and thanking Him for how He made you.
Moving beyond the wall (trial) and its intense inner work allows us to reengage our family, friends, lives, and work.
Eventually, you move forward, heal, and let go of any past mistakes you made.
Taking our feelings to God helps soften the blow of grief.
Trust chooses to believe God is bigger than my problem.
Thankfulness is a weapon and it creates joy in our lives when we live it out.
God will reveal what needs to be healed in order to walk into physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.