For you are a people holy to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession” Deuteronomy 14:2
We all make choices each and every day. Some are good, some are not so good. We are affected by our own choices but also by the choices of others. It’s common for us to allow our past choices to hold us down in shame. It’s also tempting to allow the way others choose to view us, or what they say about us, to define us. Sometimes we even choose to believe the worst about ourselves and treat ourselves poorly.
Today, I believe God wants to remind us that we are chosen by Him and His opinion is the only One that truly matters. Our identity is determined by God and Him alone. We are His treasured possession.
The word possession in Hebrew is Segullah. It means much more than the word possession as we know it. Segullah meant the possession was cherished and adored. So Deuteronomy 14:2 expresses God’s feelings towards us as His treasured possession. He loves, adores, and cherishes us. When something is considered a precious, adored belonging, it is always wanted and cared for.
No matter what we’ve endured, how we’ve messed up, who likes or dislikes us, or even how feel about ourselves, we can rest in knowing that God chooses us. Not because He has to or needs to, but because He wants to.
We are treasured, cherished, and adored.
We are chosen.
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