Tori Shaw

Growing Through Difficulties

The experience of growing through the difficulties will strengthen us and we will be an inspiration to others as well.

Cling to Your Father

Many of us tend to loosen our grip when things are going well and once the storms arise, we desperately try to draw near to God.

Pig Slop Moments

We can pray for God to allow something to bring them to their senses so they can see more clearly.

The Goal of Prayer

Ask God to prove Himself so that others might turn toward Him or begin trusting Him more.

Helping the Blind See

Pray for the scales to fall from their eyes and then choose to be a light in the darkness they see.

The Tamarisk Tree

The things we do, say, act on, or ignore, all have an impact on those who come after us, whether we realize it or not.

Honest Thomas

When doubt creeps in or we feel like we’re losing our faith, it’s okay to bring those feelings to the Father.

Be a Defense Hero!

What we choose to ignore and allow into our hearts will cost us something.

Consider it Pure Joy

We don’t have to like the trials but God wants us to consider what they are producing within us.

Time to Clean Out the Attic

God knows which boxes contain beautiful memories that we need to cling to and which ones are filled with trauma.


I’ve realized that because of His great love for us, we really can triumph victoriously over the things that once had so much power over us.

When Faith is True Faith

When we use our faith to move forward, instead of focusing on our circumstances or emotions, we are walking by faith.

God Loves His Daughters

When others forsake us, hurt us, or cause us to question our value, I pray that we will remember what God calls us!

Life is But a Vapor

My Grandmother left behind this quilt, but I feel confident there are many other ways she has impacted those of us that came after her.

I Want to Be Like Pat Farmer!

At times, when the Lord tells me something, I question it or try to rationalize it or even end up talking myself out of it.

Let it Be Me!

God knows that children often follow in the footsteps of their enslaved parents.

Olaf’s Pep Talk

Sometimes I get caught up in my emotions and forget that my feelings often cloud the truth.

Pick Up Your Mat and Walk

When Jesus heals us or performs some other type of miracle in our lives, no matter how big or small, there is power in our testimony.