He’s Still Here, Even if You Can’t See Him at the Moment

God doesn’t want us to be afraid or feel alone.

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Recently two of my children and I were outside pulling weeds in our garden. They were really playing more than helping when my 11-year-old said, “Wait, we’re supposed to be helping Mom. Oh no, where is she? She left us out here!”

I assured them I was there, just behind a bush where they couldn’t see me. I said, “Don’t worry, I’m over here working; you just can’t see me at the moment.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt God nudge me. I knew He wanted me to listen to my own words.

There are a couple of situations in my life currently that have caused me to wonder, “Where is God?” In my anxiety, sometimes I will even think to myself, “Oh no, maybe He left me!” I know that isn’t true because I believe God will never leave nor forsake me and I know I don’t need to be afraid or discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8). Still, there are those moments when I’m going about my day and fear starts to creep in.

That morning when my kids were afraid that I was gone, I was only working in an area where my kids couldn’t see me. I wonder if that happens with God, too. He sees what we can’t see. He knows what we don’t know. And He is able to do what we cannot do.

When we think we can’t see God, or we don’t hear Him, or don’t feel Him, I wonder if He’s just working in an area that only He has access to. He never leaves us and never stops working in our lives. And He doesn’t want us to be afraid or feel alone.

Our loving Heavenly Father is always working things together for our good (Romans 8:28). We don’t have to wonder where He is, or if He left us, but when we inevitably do, I pray we’ll remember that He is probably just working in an area we don’t have access to.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Tori Shaw

Featured Image by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash






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About the Author

Tori Shaw is the founder of Not Forgotten Ministries and author of "Lead with Love," "Free Indeed," and "I Had a Secret for Seventeen Years." She is a Jesus-lovin’ homeschool momma with four kiddos! Tori and Bryan were high school sweethearts and have been married for 17 years! God began this ministry 22 years ago when Tori and Bryan found out about an unplanned pregnancy, and she had an abortion at 16 years old. God has healed her, and she walks in freedom. She desires the same for others who have walked a similar journey.