He also said to His disciples: “There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods.” Luke 16:1
Taking care of what one has is important, while at the same time taking care of what others have entrusted to a person is also important. Business owners expect those who work for them to be careful with their products, services, time, and money. If one is found to not be careful and a good steward of various things, the managers will often fire or remove the worker for failure to be a good steward.
Luke records Jesus telling the disciples a parable about a rich man with a steward who was being accused of wasting his goods and was going to be removed from the position.
When a person is entrusted with something, it is expected that they will take good care of it. Instead of thinking of oneself as a steward of someone else’s stuff, the world sees themselves as the owners, to be able to do what they want in any way they want.
God gives people all types of blessings both physically and spiritually. These gifts are to be used to grow in the Lord and to be a witness and disciples others in the Lord. It is all for the use for His kingdom here on the earth.
Instead of being a good steward of what God has given some in the church, many are hoarding it for themselves or wasting it in the wrong ways. They do not share the gospel message or the testimony of what God has done in their lives with others. They hold on to their finances tightly.
Believers are to be good stewards of what God has given them using them to build His kingdom.
God has blessed you in many different ways with many different things. All of those different ways are to be used for His kingdom and His glory. Take a moment to examine your life and see how you are using what God has given you.
Would God have to accuse you of being a bad steward and remove you from your position? Or would God be able to say that you are a good and faithful servant with what He has given you?
Don’t waste what God has given you but use it for eternal purposes.
Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will recognize what God has given you to steward; that God will guide you on how to wisely use what God has given you; and that you will never waste what God has given you.
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This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom
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