With news of climate catastrophe, imminent economic peril, the threat of another pandemic, and impending global conflict, among other cataclysmic issues that would elevate our anxiety, we have trouble and dysfunction in our normal everyday lives, then crises within our own existential being that can easily prove overwhelming.
We are living in difficult days, and it is only those with their head in the sand who might disagree. It is paradoxical that we live in one of the most decadent ages. Yet, the rich have never been richer and the poor have never been so poor. We might suspect that society hides these facts from our eyes.
Never more important is it to live with faith that sees us through the worst of our times.
Times of adversity call for an audacious faith. A faith where we look adversity in its face and have the audacity to live with joy, an impenetrable hope, and a comprehensive peace.
Never pretending that the difficulties of life don’t exist, we overcome them through faith that says, “Let’s go!”
Such a faith refuses to believe in a reality that seems on all levels of reckoning to be overwhelming, preferring to borrow forth a future-state-perception of eventual victory, and in that, a way to keep moving forward through hell via an indefatigable faith.
Borrowing forth a future state perception is recognizing the hope foisted before us.
This is the hope we all need to survive, that gives us belief we can thrive.
With a head buried in the concerns of the day, juggling many impossibilities that seem relentless, our hearts are easily discouraged as we face the perils of burnout and disconsolation.
A mindset dogged by irrepressible cognitions of ultimate doom might seem far-fetched, but so many people actually experience this inner reality. We don’t hear this very often because those who suffer these irrepressible cognitions usually feel too alone to realize there could be others out there who suffer just like they do.
If you’re enduring adversity right now, you are not alone!
First, it’s about acknowledging at truth of just how hard the present circumstances are. There is no drink or drug that can bring us happiness. The only happiness possible may be a way ahead. The way there is through faith. And it is hope for a better future that keeps us stepping by faith.
Audacious faith fueled by hope negotiates adversity.
Audacious faith refuses to give up, it keeps going.
“Do not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time you will reap a harvest of blessing if you do not give up.”
Think of your faith journey. If you’re not all the way through your personal hell, keep going. Heaven awaits. And audacious faith is the way there.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Tribework
Featured Image by aatlas from Pixabay
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