I believe where the Fear of the Lord is present so is WISDOM. Proverbs 9:10
I also believe Pride comes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall. Proverbs 16:18.
My belief is that if WISDOM was emphasized as the PRINCIPAL thing more in the prophetic in regards to the way we steward intel (prophetic insight) and the delivery of words, so much drama, chaos, pain, confusion, contention, and strife could be avoided.
In order to have WISDOM at the center, humility and the fear of the Lord need to be the standard or prized possession. This is what I believe has been lacking and needs to be reintroduced to all prophetic culture in the body of Christ.
If WISDOM was the principal thing the way words are delivered and presented, the way they are stewarded and prayed over would be for the directive to deliver the heart and mind of God.
See it’s not enough to know the times and seasons, we have to know his heart and mind. You can know in part times and seasons yet fail to understand and comprehend his heart and mind. This is found in the fear of the Lord. Because proverbs 9:10 says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and KNOWLEDGE of the Holy one (his heart and mind MY EMPHASIS) is understanding.
Understanding is a must in the prophetic. I believe much error in the prophetic ocurrs in the translation stage of the download. Being able to capture the heart and mind of God in knowing the times and seasons comes with intimately “knowing” Him, in the fear of the Lord.
Over the last 25 years, I’ve been in ministry, I’ve seen the weird, wild, and wonderful in the prophetic movement. I’ve seen the highs and sad deep lows. I’ve seen fingers pointed in scorn demanding this and demanding that, apologies and then no apologies all for the supposed sake of “preserving” the integrity of the prophetic.
The fear of the Lord needs to be the center of prophetic culture in order for integrity, soundness, and even accuracy to abide.
My thoughts and questions about much of these lows the prophetic movement has experienced are, “Could a lot of this have been avoided if WISDOM was the principal thing?”
See prophets have an inherent lack of tolerance for compromise in their DNA. Therefore they defend it sometimes to their own demise as they can lack wisdom in their defense of truth or in some cases, their version of truth.
One of the major things I believe that is being dealt with in this hour is pride. I recently released a word about the Lord piercing Leviathan in this hour in regard to the prophetic. I sincerely believe that for any kind of needed adjustments and reform in the prophetic, the Fear of the Lord needs to be front and center. Hence the strategy of the Lord is to deal with the enemy of the fear of the Lord and that is pride.
He is exposing error rooted in pride, he is exposing the fingers pointed in scorn rooted in pride, he is exposing dishonor masking itself in a mocking spirit rooted in pride, he is exposing judgemental hearts rooted in pride.
Job 41:34 says He (leviathan) upholds every high thing he is the King of the children of pride. Well, the list I just noted is children of pride. Pride has many faces and the Lord is exposing the “faces” of pride literally and figuratively.
We must be aware that as Proverbs states “pride comes before destruction”, it is not only referring to the person with pride experiencing destruction but in fact pride will cause destruction in other people’s lives. Pride will cause destruction in the body and has caused destruction in the body and that’s why the Lord is dealing with it.
The word “destruction” in Hebrew means to fracture, break, cause a breach, or ruin. Pride fractures the body, it causes divides and breaches.
However, proverbs 18:12 says before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, but before HONOUR is HUMILITY.
So honor is written in this context as a contrast or antonym to destruction. Honor in the Hebrew is Kabod- glory, weight, splendor.
Therefore pride is what ruins one’s reputation. In the context of this writing, we can say then pride has been a major source of ruining the reputation of the prophetic. It’s the source of divides and strife.
Proverbs 13:10
“By pride comes nothing but strife, but with the well advised is wisdom”.
In order for the prophetic to have any kind of honor – the glory of God, and the weight of His authority, humility is the ingredient needed.
I sincerely believe the prophetic is passing through the fire once again. Many dreams I’ve had in the last few months reveal this. One in particular the Lord said to me in the dream “I am purifying the prophetic” and I knew He meant with fire.
Just remember when the fire of God passes through something things shake. Shaking is a sign of the presence of His fire.
When I physically experience the fire of God in my body, many times I shake. My body trembles and shakes in the fire of God. And so it is when the fire goes through His body, it begins to shake.
Hebrews 12: 27-28 states that the Lord shakes that which can be shaken so it removes the things that can be shaken to leave what is unshakable to remain, which is the kingdom, because He is an all-consuming fire. (Paraphrased)
So it’s His fire that shakes and removes the shakeable. That which isn’t “birthed” of the kingdom.
The shaking is necessary, beloved, and so is the fire. How honored we are that the Lord doesn’t leave us the same but brings us from glory to glory.
Let us hold fast to WISDOM, and thereby the fear of the Lord. Let us examine our own hearts and cease to be quick to speak but rather prompt to listen. Let us be vigilant and diligent to pray and seek the Lord before we open our mouths in prophecy, or at all, as we don’t want to bring destruction (hurt, divides, breaches) in the body. Let us have the goal to know HIM and not just the gift of foresight or knowing the times and seasons but to know His heart and mind.
We say thank you Lord for your fire to purify our hearts that we may “see” clearly, where you are and where you aren’t.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Revival Flame Ministries
Featured Image by Shane Hoving on Unsplash
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