The Voice of the Sentry

Knowing His voice leads to adventures of faith we breathe deeply.

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Coming into this world naked, as babes, we enter with innocence.
Seeing and perceiving all, we look on in wonder with dissonance.
Perceptions formed by others, we fill with assumptions and confusion.
Caught in webs of meaningless existence, we cry out in desperation.
Lost in confusion and anxiety, we grope about hoping for a ray of light.

Amid blindness gripping the soul, we hope in the dark of the night.
Amid all that clutters, a still small voice speaks with such difference.
Questioning its source, we investigate its origin and significance.
Speaking with such warmth amid turmoil and unease, we question.
With hearts of expectation, we wait in anticipation with discretion.

Waiting for that moment of stillness, we stand with hearing ears.
Oh, that it could be captured – that brief moment with such peace.
As a beam of light, we see and hear again the voice pointing to a path.
With hearing ears, the voice beckons to the path ahead, so near.
Eyes riveted, the light rests on something blocking the path ahead.

Eyes and ears focused, a cross is seen blocking the path’s entry.
Speaking softly with such clarity, the sentry explains its purpose.
With eyes of understanding opened; it’s embraced wholeheartedly.
Tasting the sweetness from the sentry’s voice, entrance is gained,
With peace from obedience that floods, other voices are silenced.

Embracing a cross symbolizing humility and suffering, we proceed.
Carrying it everywhere we go, the sentry’s voice, we now trust.
Oh, the thrill of adventures as He leads us onward, filled with joy.
Filled with confidence, unafraid of what’s ahead, we reach to attain.
Surprisingly, all burdens and the cares that weighed down are lifted.

No longer a sentry, but a friend, He walks alongside as we discover.
Now assisting, He removes the cross’ weight by bearing our sins.
Continuing to whisper, He says, “Cast all of your cares upon Me.”
No longer lost in confusion, His cross daily, we willingly embrace.
Knowing His voice leads to adventures of faith we breathe deeply.

Daily committing to Him, He leads so completely into His purposes.
Filled with love, peace, and joy; He daily loads with benefits.
No longer lost in meaningless existence, there’s no need to pretend.
No longer groping about in the dark, the path grows lighter and lighter.
Giving thanksgiving, we breathe in deeply, His presence, so sweetly.


May God bless you richly, today, as you seek to find all that’s been hidden away for your personal discovery.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Ken Birks

Featured Image by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

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About the Author

Ken Birks is an ordained pastor/teacher/author in the Body of Christ. His primary function is that of Bible teacher. Ken was the Senior Pastor of Golden Valley Christian Center, a non-denominational, Spirit-filled church in Roseville Ca, for twelve years where he currently resides.

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