I woke up in the night to the words “You become the culmination of all you believe.” The word “become” had so much life on it…hard to describe, but it was like there was a certainty about it. Not a guarantee, but something that was happening in real-time, like a promise coming true.
Later, as I woke up for the day, I saw a fingerprint suspended in the air. Transposed behind it was a beautiful rainbow. To me, this speaks of covenant blessings, promises in the heavenly realm, and DNA on display.
I was able to take a look at the word “become” this morning and research its roots. The first time “become” is mentioned is found in Genesis 3:22 (principal of first mention is something to take a closer look at). This particular word become is the Hebrew word “echad” means as one, together, joined in one, united. Its root word means to be sharp.
What are you connected or united to? What promises has God spoken to you? I find myself asking rhetorical questions of myself because I don’t want to miss ANYTHING. I want it all…take me deeper Lord!
Genesis 3:22- “And the Lord God said, the man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
We are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) and every time we spend time with Him, we become more like Him and the veil is removed. We become what we behold and as we are taught by the anointing that flows from Jesus, we will grow.
I was thinking the other day about how “imprinting” in animals works. The idea is that certain species of animals “imprint” upon what they first see when they are born. According to Dictionary dot com, imprinting is a: “rapid learning that occurs during a brief receptive period, typically soon after birth or hatching, and establishes a long-lasting behavioral response to a specific individual or object”.
And so it is the same is with us spiritually, what we choose to “see” is what grows within us. What do you allow to “imprint” you? It’s a lifelong process.
As we wait upon the precipice of this great awakening and feel the weight of its shifting, I see a whole generation of people that desire to know more and I believe what they TRULY want is Jesus. They want to know their Father, the One who created them. In Him, they will find their true destiny. In Him, they will find their dreams come to life that are His because He is the One who put them there to begin with!
I believe people (in their heart of hearts…the one that Jesus created) really want what is good, what is pure and what is true. That can only be found in Him. But it’s not automatically given. We have to make room and make a place and conscientiously choose Him, daily, just like we choose to spend time with our best friend.
As we give birth to new things in this Kingdom Era, I want to be sure that I am “imprinting” upon Jesus and all that He has called me to. I want His covenant seal upon me.
I believe He will be unfolding new things for us to “see” that will require pure imprinting and an inquiring that will take place between you and the giver of your new grace. New graces are always found in Him. He is the creator of all things!
One final question I will leave with you…what is transposed in front of your rainbow? This is between you and Jesus. As you walk with Him, it becomes clearer and clearer and one day you will be so fat with the anointing of Jesus within you, that you will “become” the very thing He created you to be and it’s all because you have become united and one with Him. It’s a beautiful process and nothing can even compare.
Featured Image by Yulia Gadalina
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