The Footprints We Leave

As Christians we must be good stewards of our time and gifts, given to us by God.

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Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
Colossians 3:17 (NASB)

Walk along any shoreline on our coast and you will see the evidence of what or who has been there before you. The few occasions I visit the beach at Leven I always see stuff that has been discarded carelessly by other walkers or flotsam from ships passing through the Forth River. These are evidences that someone has been there. In life we leave evidence wherever we go and whatever we do; it tells others something about us.

As Christians we must be good stewards of our time and gifts, given to us by God. We are responsible for the footprints we leave behind us, not just in the environment but in the community we live in. Folk notice the evidence of our real life and compare it with what we claim. I remember the sad image left by members of our village church when I was a lad; everyone in the community joked these folks would be all pious in church and found downing the pints in the Miner’s Welfare Club later that night.

Dear reader, what footprints do you leave in your community for your Lord? Does the evidence match your claim to know and follow Him? Let each of us examine our Christian walk in this world, being sure we are reflecting Him to those we live and work with.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Devotional Treasures

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About the Author

Devotional Treasures is a daily source of Biblical posts on various sources; they are free to all. These are written by me, Alan Kearns, and are inspired by my own private reading/study of God's Word.

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