The Days at Hand- Coming Persecution and the Birthing of the Overcomer

I believe the overcomers are about to come forth, the revealing of the sons of God. The devil as he has repeatedly done throughout the ages when a deliverer was about to come forth, wages war to destroy the seed.

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You’d have to be blind Freddy to not realize that in the “free” world our religious freedoms are under assault. Some Christians are asleep to this or maybe they are just in denial because the evidence of such doesn’t match with their eschatological or prophetic doctrine. Unfortunately, because of misunderstood doctrine, many hold around the prophetic and its role in the body of Christ, some in the body have been left unprepared for the days at hand. Many herald that the prophetic is only for encouragement, comfort, and exhortation, interpreting that to mean this does not include warning or correction that would help God’s people properly position themselves for the times and seasons at hand. 

For leaders to hold a belief that the prophetic should never warn God’s people because it incites fear is highly irresponsible and grossly imprudent. 

The prophet Agabus warned the saints in the early church of a famine that was to come. Do you think this was a comforting and encouraging word? I would say yes. It was comforting because the Father in His mercy and kindness was telling His beloved of days to come so they could be prepared and escape the perils of such a season. What was the fruit of this word? Paul and Barnabas were able to prepare and send relief to these ones in Judea. God’s people were preserved in an hour of trial (Acts 11:27-30). Some years later he prophesied to Paul of the fate that awaited him at Jerusalem (Acts 21:10-12). Neither of these prophecies was very uplifting in nature but in actual fact were filled with the mercy of God in allowing the preparation necessary for such events.  

What about Revelation 2:10 when the word of the Lord came to the church in Smyrna warning them that many of them would suffer persecution by being thrown in jail or even death. This word is introduced with the exhortation “do not fear”. 

Let’s not forget Jesus’ “lovely and warm” prophecy of things that would take place at the end of the age in Matthew 24. His words of comfort to them were in verse 25 “See I have warned you beforehand”. The Lord considers His warnings of things to come as His comfort and encouragement. What does the word encouragement even mean? It means to be strengthened in courage. Well, courage is only needed when you face uncomfortable, unknown, even fearful circumstances wouldn’t you say? To allow His children to be taken off guard and surprised by the seasons would be an unkind father. Without warning, we walk around completely confused not understanding how to partner properly with heaven in reference to what is going on in this world. Without forewarning, we may be tempted to fight against something that isn’t our battle, or be passive when we are meant to fight. We may think we have done something wrong instead of understanding how to walk through the storm in victory. 


When there is a lack of teaching and discipling of God’s people around faith, trust, and intimacy we have immature Christians who will be frightened at any onlook of persecution. When the true word of God is not preached teaching the saints how to walk in Christ who has overcome, then yes, fearful, self-serving, self-saving Christians will be a result. 

The first requirement to be a disciple of Christ is to take up your cross and follow Him. Why? How does this benefit the believer? To die to this world means you are alive with Christ (Col 2:20,3:1-3). To be alive with Christ who overcame the world simply means that as He is so are you in this world (John 16:33, 1 John 4:17). Meaning you are an overcomer (Romans 8:37). But to be alive to this world means you are dictated to by the winds and waves of adversity and ultimately will be overcome by it. Of course, Christians who are alive to this world and haven’t been taught how to take up their cross and follow Jesus will be afraid at every point of danger. Danger of losing your job, danger of losing your health, danger of losing your life, danger of losing your freedom. But when we are dead to this world, that is no longer a danger to us, but rather enables us to be more in tune with the leading of the Holy Spirit. Fear and faith cannot co-habit. 

Leaders are to teach their people the foundations of how to walk by faith in intimacy and trust. Without this teaching, we have wishy-washy self-serving Christians who do not preach the gospel and are only looking at how Christianity can benefit their lives.  

Now in saying all of that I will share with you three dreams of warning and insight I believe the Lord is giving His bride for these days at hand. 


3 Dreams Persecution referencing WW2.


Dream 6th June 2021

I dreamt I was wearing a Jewish tallit. I was seeing the Jewish star. I felt persecution all around me, like that of WW2. I could feel people’s disapproval and hatred toward me. HOWEVER, I had such a sense of peace and protection. I WASN’T afraid. 

I believe the Lord was showing me that the Jewish tallit and the star was a symbol that referred to God’s people. Jew or Christian. I believe the Lord is saying that there is persecution coming to God’s people, not just the Jews. Being clothed in the tallit symbolized the marking of God on His people. As through the ages Israel is regarded as God’s people, this represents in the dream all Jew and Christians coming under that banner. Therefore the Lord was showing me that as Jesus said in Matthew 10:22 “ You will be hated by all for my name’s sake, but he who endures to the end shall be saved”  is the Lord revealing those days are at hand. The reference in the dream to WW2 I believe revealed the level of unleashed hatred and animosity paralleling those times, and the unrelenting rise of the anti-Christ Spirit with an agenda of world domination, the same agenda of Hitler. 

Interestingly, as I was clothed and wrapped in the tallit, I felt safe under God’s banner. I was not afraid of the contempt toward me as I felt completely protected. 

Dream August 27, 2020

My (at the time) 7-year-old daughter Anastasia had this very vivid profound dream of the days to come. This dream is very long and involved and I only feel to reveal and unpack the beginning of the dream as it is relevant and parallels the other dreams I am sharing in this space. 

She dreamt she was like in the bible (she has never been to Israel but I believe she associates the bible with this location as she has seen on various movies like the chosen). Everyone was screaming and running she knew a sand storm was coming. Everyone was scared and she had to find shelter.  

As she walked down some sandstone stairs she came to a stone wall. There were bullet holes and arrows in the wall. (As I said she has never been to Israel but for those who have would know that on the walls of the old City of Jerusalem there are bullet holes in the wall from previous combat). At the wall she met a man with long brown dreadlocks, he said to her as he pointed to the bullet holes, this is from WW1. In two to three days there will be WW2. In her mind she was reasoning this information as in the natural she knows that WW2 has already happened. Why would this man be telling her that in 2-3 days there will be WW2. 

Interpretation: Storms normally represent trouble, war, or persecution. It being a sandstorm I believe represents some form of trouble in the middle east breaking forth. Everyone running for shelter symbolizes this storm posing danger. 

The wall (I believe was the wall of Jerusalem) signifying the protective fortification around God’s people having bullet holes and arrows. Bullet holes I believe are natural weaponry, and arrows represent words of accusations and contempt and warfare of a spiritual nature. 

The information this man with long brown dreadlocks was giving her was telling her of what was to come. 

Scripture has referenced days to symbolically mean years ( Numbers 14:34, Ezekiel 4:6). So when seeking the Lord regarding this very specific timeline that was announced in Anastasia’s dream I believe the Lord showed me it was years. In 2-3 years there will be WW2. 

After a lot of prayer and waiting on God regarding this, and in light of my recent two dreams referencing WW2, I believe this is what it could mean. The persecution that came against God’s people in WW2 that tried to wipe out God’s seed in the earth will come within 2-3 years. This war is on freedom motivated by the anti-Christ spirit. 

This I believe is likened to Revelation 12 where the dragon came to wage war on the woman who gave birth to the man child. We know that the woman in the beginning part of that passage represented Israel who gave birth to Christ. He was the man-child who was the One destined to shepherd all the nations with an iron staff and was caught up to God’s throne. 

Prophetically I see in Revelation 12 a narrative of how the enemy seeks to devour the “giving birth” of that which overcomes. 

I believe the overcomers are about to come forth, the revealing of the sons of God. The devil as he has repeatedly done throughout the ages when a deliverer was about to come forth, wages war to destroy the seed. In the time of Moses, he tried to devour the seed by killing all male children that the Israelite women would give birth to. But God protected the seed. The same scenario when Jesus our kinsman-redeemer was brought forth. In a fit of rage and envy, Herod decreed the slaughter of every male child two years old and under. The Lord however provided protection for the seed and made a way of escape by giving Joseph a dream of impending persecution and to flee to Egypt. 

In WW2 Hitler’s desire was to wipe out God’s people, but right thereafter the nation of Israel was established. Could it be, the reference to WW2 symbolizing another wave of persecution coming upon God’s people, this time being the spiritual heirs according to the promise (the sons of God), but thereafter the Kingdom of God being established on this earth?

The enemy in this time is desiring to devour the seed of the overcomer. He is waging war on the saints to weary them and cause them to give up or give in at the post. But be of good cheer, the Lord in this hour is going to provide a way out and the seed you carry that will give birth to that which prevails will come forth and will be protected (Revelation 12:15-16, Revelation 3:10). 

Dream 6th July 2021

In this dream, I was talking to two people in our worship team. Then I looked up and it felt like WW2 I saw Nazi Germany and Japan coming for me. I had a sense I was seen and a target. I needed to make myself hidden and go into hiding. 

Interpretation: Again this is exactly one month since my other WW2 dream. This signifying in dream language, “pay attention”, this is imminent. 

I believe this dream is a heads-up for the church worldwide but also a specific word for Australia. Nazi Germany symbolizes the worldwide attack on freedom and the desire for a one-world takeover. In WW2 this was the aim and goal of Hitler, to rule the world with an iron fist. Again this symbolizing the rise of the anti-Christ spirit waging war on the saints seeking to overcome them through persecution and hinder the birthing of the overcomer and the end-time harvest. The dream beginning with my conversation with two of my worship team symbolizes the attack coming on the worship of the saints. The target in this hour is to come against the free worship and gathering of the saints. Japan for me symbolizes the attack on Australia specifically, as in WW2 Australia was the target of Japan for takeover. Taking cover and being hidden represents being led by the spirit and not doing anything in our own strength and natural wisdom. 

Strategy and position. 

Just days ago I heard the Lord announce in my spirit these words of warning. He said, “The greatest trap in these days will be to those who seek notoriety, fame, and recognition”. This will cause those who would otherwise be hidden in Christ to be “seen” and a target of the antichrist spirit. When you do things (even your Christianity) from a motivation and a desire to be seen, the covering and protection of his glory and grace are not upon you. This does not mean the actions and things God has you do will not be “seen” or “public”, it just means the motivation from which you do things will be from faith and not pride or fear. The motivation of faith being your foundation will see you being able to stand against any torrent and tide of adversity and persecution victoriously. 

Jesus knew this way best. He knew when to be public and when to be inconspicuous. We more than ever need to be led by the wisdom of God in this hour, not the need to be a superstar. In that place of wisdom, there will be protection and peace, even amidst undesirable, uncomfortable circumstances, persecution or trial. 

I believe through these dreams the Lord is preparing His people how to manage themselves in this hour to be preserved and protected and know that though the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will raise up a standard against him. 

Let us preach the gospel as we have never done before, pray and seek God’s wisdom as we have never done before, and rejoice in this hour of great opportunity for the manifestation of the kingdom to come on earth like never before. We do not need to shrink back in fear, but press on in courage and joyful hope, and confident expectation. In times of persecution, the saints are driven out of their slothful, self-consumed unbelieving state, into the harvest field that is ripe for the taking. One thing that also comes forth in persecution is an uncanny unity amongst the brethren. No longer are we idle with our precious time competing and fault finding, but suddenly we realize the main thing is the main thing and that is Jesus. We have one thing in common and that is being hated and despised for our love for Christ and our stand for freedom that He laid His life down to bring. We no longer wish to argue or oppose those in our own household but we stand shoulder to shoulder no matter the differences and in that we become stronger and a formidable power against the forces of darkness. 

Persecution pushes the saints to be led by His spirit. The urgency of the hour requires more time spent in prayer and diligence in being led by Him not relying on our own limited understanding. These times require a greater yielding and surrender, being all aspects and attributes that mark the sons of God. Could these times of pressure and persecution be the birth canal of pressure that will thrust forth the Third-day church in resurrection power? I think so. 

Arise Shine for Your Light has come.






This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Revival Flame Ministries

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About the Author

Dr. Anita Alexander Th.D is a Prophetic Revivalist, Teacher, Intercessor, Psalmist, Author, and Songwriter. Anita graduated with her Doctorate of Theology degree from the North Carolina College of Theology in 2021. Together with her husband Dr. Sasha Alexander, she is the co-founder of Golden City Church, Kingdom Academy School of the Spirit, and Director of Revival Flame Ministries.