Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him. Acts 8:35
There are many things that people love to talk about every day, from the weather to politics, sports, family, work, and much more. Talking occurs in several common ways, it can be in person, on the phone, or online. What people talk about is what is on their hearts and minds, it is their focus in the moment and is often the greatest focus of their life overall. They feel that what they have to say is important in the moment.
Luke writes in Acts that Philip had gone up to an Ethiopian eunuch, who was reading the book of Isaiah, and he began to tell him from that scripture forward about Jesus.
For most people talking is easy, if the topic is something that they are interested in and knowledgeable about. The higher the interest, the higher the ability to talk about something.
The world likes to focus on self, building up and promoting self. It is about self-entertainment and self-edification. Take self out of the picture and people begin to have a loss for words.
Inside the church, many believers talk in the same way as the world. Everything becomes about self and self-desires, rather than God and His word. Part of it is that they do not know the scriptures because they have not read and studied them. The other part is that they do not have Jesus at the center of their life.
At the center of a believer’s life should be Jesus. Everything in their life should be focused on who Jesus and God the Father are and sharing that information with anyone and everyone who is willing to hear. Believers need to be ready to talk about Jesus from Scripture and from their own lives.
Opportunities for you to talk with someone are available every day. In the limited time you have to talk with a person, you must decide what is most important for you to talk about. Sharing who Jesus is should be the most important information to give to someone. Without Jesus, they are dead in their sins.
Take time to read and study the Bible. Then be willing to share all of that information about Jesus with any that you come in contact with. This is the great commission Jesus gave you to do.
Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will be bold enough to talk to people about Jesus; that you will be able to share what God’s word says with other people; and that God will use you to touch the hearts of other people.
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This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom
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