Taking Care of Your Temple

If you are a stressed-out mess, you are no good for yourself or others.

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We Americans are not the best are taking care of ourselves. Life expectancy is down, obesity is up (about 35% of Americans), and we are facing a mental health crisis. I am in a season of self-care. I’m getting my boobs smashed tomorrow. Mole patrol (dermatologist) and preventive care check-up later this month. Participating in a “no added sugar” challenge which kicks off in a week or so. It’s going to be hard cuz I love me some sugar. But I know I’m addicted and want to get past that. I told the leader that I was still doing wine, though, which probably isn’t on the list. And I have been working hard to get in my 10,000 steps a day. Scripture says that our body is a temple. I know I often don’t treat mine as one! So, why is taking care of your temple so important?

#1 – If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t pour into others. It’s just like if you are flying on a plane, you have to put on your oxygen mask first before you are in a position to help others.

#2 – Living a healthy lifestyle helps us to manage stress. And stress is the gateway drug to so many other mental health conditions. If you are a stressed-out mess, you are no good for yourself or others.

#3 – You should strive to be around as long as you can for your loved ones. And if you are like me, you’d like to be able to be physically active and play with your grandchildren for as long as possible.

#4 – Last but certainly not least. You aren’t going to be as available and effective at doing God’s will and his work if your body and mind aren’t in a good space.

We live our entire lives in our bodies – and it is the vessel through which we do God’s will and his work. The Bible says that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). When you think about it that way, it’s hard to justify mistreating it as we often do. So, take good care of your temple so that you can best live out your God-given purpose on this earth.


This is an updated post originally published on Leslie Speas

Featured Image by aleksandra85foto from Pixabay 



—From Mess to MESSage

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About the Author

Leslie Speas is a Christian blogger and author from North Carolina. She is a self-proclaimed “Hot Mess”. In her book and blog posts, she shares humorous stories, Scripture, and tips to help others bolster their faith and find strength in their struggles.

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