Janet could feel the Holy Spirit settle on her heart with this strong word. It’s a powerful Word about how God wants to transform your life by starting with your thoughts!! You need to listen to the very end!!!
The more time I spent reading the Bible, journaling, and listening to God, the more strength and peace I found.
Naomi joins me today to share her personal testimony on submitting. She gives several experiences with gems of wisdom!
Lauren Green, Chief Religion Correspondent for Fox News and host of the podcast Lighthouse Faith, joins the Significant Podcast today to remind us that despite the fogginess of our world and its cultural pressures, mistruths, and lies, we can fully depend on our ever-present God.
We are in the fight for our lives against addiction, and it is time to speak out and unwrap the stigma and judgment.
If we have something important to say, there will be time to say it.
Join Anne in part two of our homeopathic conversation, where she shares how we can be prepared for the next wave of colds and flu. Hear the story of her husband’s sickness due to shedding. Plus, what are a few remedies that those that are just starting their homeopathic journey should begin to have on hand?
May this post bring you greater clarity on when to confront and when to surrender the situation to God.
Do you feel too busy to pray? Then you’re invited to find REST in God’s loving presence. Today’s guest, Asheritah Ciuciu, offers you a respite from your spiritual to-do list in her book, Prayers of Rest: 365 Prompts to Hear God’s Voice.
Are you a caregiver? Do you feel exhausted and overwhelmed? Join Becky and Jessica Ronne as they discuss caregiving with grace and grit.
The adversity that seemingly took you so far from the right route is eventually the means to bring you back to grace’s grip.
This week on Style Tips, I’m sharing everything you need to know about choosing the right RED for your Color Code! We’ll go in-depth with each shade and talk about how to match them at the store, plus we’ll go over the do’s and don’ts when choosing a red for each Color Code!
What attitudes or habits have we developed that might contribute to our feeling isolated?
Remind yourself as many times as you need to that you are a child of the King.
This type of control is all about who has the power in the relationship.
Is conflict something you tend to run from? Does the mere thought of someone, especially your spouse, being upset with you almost throw you into a panic? If this is you, or your spouse, we’ve got you covered on today’s episode! Join us as we shed some light and some hope on the reasons that might be fueling your disdain for conflict.
Kristen Gault has an amazing story of hope after beating stage two triple-negative breast cancer. After 16 rounds of chemo, 33 radiation treatments, and several surgeries, she’s now cancer-free and is still declaring God’s goodness in her life.
Was Jesus talking about a husband, telling him to not destroy his own marriage?
As I woke up this morning, I felt a WORD burning deep within my heart…I thought to myself, “WOW…this sums up the Gospel of Jesus Christ!”
They need to know that you are their nurturer, their protector, and their guide through the tough times of childhood, adolescence, and teenage years.
Are you tenderhearted? Do you feel compassion for others as Jesus does?
Today’s episode of the Significant Women Podcast features an important conversation with performer and producer Camille Kampouris! Camille is one of the faces behind Angel Studio’s latest film, Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin.—an exciting new look into the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
DEEP ROOTS AT HOME PODCAST HOST: JACQUELINE FRANKS Join us as we talk to Homeschool Mom of 9 and Homeopathic Student “Anne,” who will share her journey into Homeopathy, plus amazing testimonies of health that led her to continue her education. Learn how she helped her family through a variety of illnesses. In this podcast, […]
Considering addiction steals and destroys someone lost in the cycle, we forget how the tentacles of destruction reach family and friends.
How do we exchange hurt for hope? As a recovered drug addict, stage-four cancer survivor, and former widow, Sheryl fought anxiety, depression, and despair for years before understanding her identity in Christ.
Do you feel overwhelmed with clutter and messiness? Join Becky and Dana K White as they discuss realistic home management strategies.
Children cannot live according to God’s ways if they do not know God’s words.
Regardless of how far away your goal may seem, it all starts with a single step.
Being a true follower of Christ means being a presence of love, peace, and encouragement in every interaction.
What is God able to do when you grow up in a dysfunctional, abusive home? Suffer pain and despair so bad that there is not one, but 2 suicide attempts? End up a high school dropout and living with a physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive boyfriend? Become a pregnant teenager in a marriage filled with adultery and domestic violence?
Have you or someone close to you experienced trauma? Most of us have, at one point in our lives to various degrees. Kim Haar had extreme trauma and shares her story to give others hope that there is healing on the other side.
Julie shares her story of transformation of how the Lord healed her of cancer. She shares how looking beyond the physical report to believe and receive the report of the Lord changed her life.
Let’s identify what BS toggle switches on for you and how to turn it off before you create wrath. I encourage you to listen and change the next time you need to cease your flesh from reacting harshly.
My dear friend Susie Larson shares how God helped her move from disappointment and hurt to genuine expectancy. Lean in and listen to Susie’s incredible story, and don’t forget to grab her latest book, Waking Up to the Goodness of God: 40 Days Toward Healing and Wholeness.
With growing concerns in the world, costs rising, and major supply chain issues, Jacque is proactively learning about homeopathy with the goal of being more independent of the allopathic medical system. One of Jacque’s desires as a grandmother with a growing family is to have confident young moms and ready remedies if there is no doctor.
Alisa Childers helps us understand progressive Christianity, deconstruction, and the non-negotiables of faith in Jesus Christ.
What if your emotions could draw you closer to Christ? Join Becky & Alicia and discover 3 simple steps to confidently manage your emotions with science and Scripture for more peace, joy, and connection with God.
This week on Style Tips, I’m sharing a few tips on how to prep your closet for the new year! We’ll discuss a few tried and true tips to organizing, plus I’ll show you simple stress-free ways to tackle a closet cleanout in bite-size bits.
We choose to support our husbands as their best friends and lovers.
What are you striving for in this New Year? How confident are you that it’s the right thing for your marriage and family? Goals are great to have, BUT, if they’re not the right ones, what’s the point? Join us today as we talk about the value of striving for something really important—an emotionally healthy home.
Our grandparents’ relationship with their grandchildren is so essential when it comes to creating well-adjusted kids.
In today’s culture, it’s important to become the courageous women God is calling us to be so that we can make a difference in this generation and generations to follow. I hope you’ll be inspired by this episode to trust God and step into your calling.
Today, you will hear a heart-touching story of how God revealed his love to a teenage girl who was broken beyond repair from severe sexual abuse. But the love of God changed her life, and Ashley tells all of how God transformed her life into the image of a victor!
When wrapping up an online class, a woman asked me that question. I’ll share my answer and reason in today’s episode.
As you strive to be intentional, may 2025 be your family’s best year yet!
Join Carol McLeod for a thought-provoking conversation with celebrated author and professor Dr. Sandra Richter!
Listen to the story of one young woman who was perfectly healthy before she had her Gardasil vaccine. Her journey and story as her health declined and she was diagnosed with Lyme is a warning to us of the importance of research.
Cancer touches everyone and yet churches are often under-equipped. How can cancer be a blessing? How do we best minister to cancer patients and caregivers?
With all of the exciting sights, sounds, and smells of Christmastime, it can be hard to get children to focus on the real reason for the season: the birth of Jesus Christ. But let’s face it: all of us can get caught up in the hustle-bustle of planning for family gatherings, decorating, and shopping for gifts.
Allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse and refresh your self-perception.
Life and healing come through honest communication with the right person in the right way at the right time.
Today I’m sharing Part TWO of my favorite things Christmas series! I’ll show you a few of the gifts I’ll be giving to loved ones this year and helping you out with some quick shopping tips along the way!
As you lie there, distraught and wounded, a break in the clouds appears.
How do we prioritize our time so that we can take care of ourselves and our families, our other responsibilities, and still have time to enjoy life?
Are you ready to have a great New Year? Or maybe you just don’t want a repeat of this past year? However you’re feeling about the year ahead, it’s important to have a focus, especially for your marriage. But there’s no need to be overwhelmed by setting big goals or making big changes. In today’s episode, we’re keeping it really simple and giving you a quick practical plan you can put into effect immediately.
Love is not just something to make us feel good; it’s an action that is centered around the other person’s thoughts and feelings.
Carol shares some Christmas traditions, and you may want to implement some of these ideas into your own family and might need a little time to prepare.
You need to hear the incredible insight the Holy Spirit gave me. It is an incredibly profound concept, yet simple enough that even a first-grader could understand it.
Four points today to bring the “yes, please,” back to your marriage! Sadly, the world wants to talk about it, but Christians avoid it. Not here! We are going “there’!!”
Today’s episode features a joyful and inspiring conversation with author Kathi Lipp, whose latest book is titled ‘Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest.’
Trigger. It’s a word we fear for far too long. But we know the consequences of addiction. So, we walk on eggshells and stay silent. We fear everything.
Join us as we have a frank and informative discussion with Sydney Ross Singer (author of Dressed To Kill) on the dangers of the modern bra and other tight clothing.
Today’s episode offers encouragement to any woman praying about a call to ministry.
You may feel anxious about sending your child out into a world that too often feels dark and scary. But you can prepare your kids to live in the real world by equipping them with a sound mind and strategies for establishing a foundation of faith.
Regularly examining our motivations and behaviors for signs of selfishness can help us avoid the pitfalls it presents.
Merry Christmas to you and yours! This month on Style Tips, I’m playing Santa for a few episodes and sharing my favorite gift ideas! We’ll be starting with faith-based gifts today, and I can’t wait to see which ones you grab for your friends and family!
While accurate details may be necessary in a court of law, they generally don’t matter in casual conversations with friends.
Do you ever feel like your marriage and your family are not your own, but instead just an extension of one or both sets of your parents? Are they calling the shots for your holiday plans, your schedules, and maybe even how you’re raising your kids? Maybe they just really struggle with accepting a no, so you’ve just found it was easier to go along to get along.
Today I’m excited to welcome Stacey Chapman to the podcast! Stacey and her husband, Erick, have an amazing story of adopting three children, and after they felt their family was complete, they felt God leading them to take on one more.
Christmas time is such a perfect opportunity to show our kids what grace truly looks like.
Today’s podcast is going to bless you. I could NOT stop crying all the way through this episode. Alison and I had a time of prayer before it began, and we could feel God’s mighty presence. The Lord showed me that HE wants to heal the “Body of Christ” from TRAUMA!
Testimony of when the Lord admonished me 3x with those words. It was a great reminder to submit to my husband in ALL things, no matter how small they may seem.
Camille is one of the faces behind Angel Studio’s latest film, Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin.—an exciting new look into the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Following the word picture of a well-built house, home education needs 1) a strong foundation 2) a working frame, and 3) multiple rooms to fill. What do we fill the rooms with? Knowledge!
Not only can you as a parent develop your child’s joy center, but you can also strengthen your own joy muscle!
Heated arguments between keyboard warriors, “unfriending” family or friends who believe differently than us, and wars on the international stage—our world is full of conflict. Dr. Oletha Barnett believes God created diversity far beyond race and that He designed diversity, which can often lead to conflict, to grow us, and give us opportunities to practice biblical principles. Through that, we can find unity.
Pregnant and uncertain, Lisa and her then-boyfriend, John, chose to keep their baby and marry. Fast forward 38 years, Lisa and John are still married, with three children and three granddaughters.
This week I had the honor of sitting down with author, Maggie Rowe, to talk about finding freedom in our friendships. Maggie’s written an INCREDIBLE book, “The Life We Share.”
My heart is bound to be crushed and even kicked to the curb because Jesus never promised me deliverance from pain in this life.
In this episode, we’re here to help you keep your focus and have an intentional Christmas this year. Join us as we share some of the biggest stressors and dish out some practical tips on how to get rid of them so you can have a Christ-filled Christmas!
Every home should be built on the same foundation with the same contractor going in the same direction!
Marcia Moston finally surrendered to God when she hit rock bottom. Her testimony is a story of how God has remained faithful throughout all of her life.
Fasting is more than abstaining from food—it’s about aligning your heart with the will of the Father and seeing heaven move here on earth.
Are you ‘ing’ing your husband to death? Proverbs 21:9,19 and Proverbs 27:15,24 give clear examples of the BS ‘ing.’ Let me help you with TWO new ‘ing’s that will change your marriage!
Generations of confusion have kept women from answering God’s call to lead, depriving God’s kingdom of crucial gifts and abilities. Entrusted to Lead shows women what it looks like to lead with confidence in the workplace and in ministry—and why Jesus always wanted women to have a seat at the table.
Navigating addiction as a family is hard stuff. Yet, families are often judged by what they do or don’t do in handling these messy situations.
Join us as we talk to Kelly Crawford, a homeschooling mom of 11, about the relaxed homeschooling approach.