Prodigal Children, When You’ve Done ALL That You Can Do
It takes great faith to let go of your loved one and let God take the reins.
It takes great faith to let go of your loved one and let God take the reins.
Drew and Tim address the urgent and daunting issue of trafficking and its impact on the church and the next generation.
We need friends in our lives. God designed us for community and for relationships. When He says we’re better together, we need to believe Him. But what if it’s hard and we don’t think we need friends or have no idea how to make them?
Casey Jones’ story is real and honest and gives hope to those who are going through their own difficult journey. I know you’ll be blessed by Casey’s story.
Once boundaries and consequences have been established, they can be calmly and consistently enforced.
“Gentle Protectors are willing to share in the pain that they create…Predators want to put their pain on you so they don’t feel any of it.” — Jen Coursey
We have a Redeemer! God has provided a way of FREEDOM from all the effects of our ancestors’ sins and our own sins. To receive this freedom, we have to receive by FAITH, what Jesus did for us on the Cross!
Are you looking at others on social media for validation? Are you disturbed that you can’t be like them? I hope this episode gives you some HOPE today in your own validation.
Where I went wrong many times was pushing God away in the depression and letting the enemy win.
In a continuation of our series on the topic of depression, today’s episode features an encouraging talk with return guest Chanel Dokun. Chanel is an author, life coach, and the Co-Founder of Healthy Minds NYC, a thriving group therapy practice in Manhattan.
Recovery is possible! I will never doubt that. Our minds are stronger than any addiction, even substance use. The brain can be healed by new mindsets and thought patterns.
God designed each of us to live in community and to grow in our walk with Christ.
The tests that come about only make me stronger, drive me to my knees, and draw me closer to God.
Even as the wicked sprout like grass, and thrive, they’re doomed!
In this podcast, hear testimonies from those whose life and health have been changed through gently detoxifying their bodies using TRS. Hear testimonies from those with Auto-Immune Diseases, Thyroid Issues, Type 2 Diabetes, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Vaccine Damage. Also, learn about TRS during pregnancy, childbirth, and with babies. Listen now!
Being too busy can quickly lead to neglecting the people who matter most.
Like so many of us, Bible study mentor Sarah Frazer found herself saying, “God, this wasn’t part of the plan. I didn’t sign up for this.”
God is bringing healing, mending, restoration, and divine order to households.
Tessa shares her journey from a non-practicing Muslim background to discovering Jesus through dreams and the love of Christian friends.
Joy is still possible depending on how deeply connected to God we feel and how deeply connected to others we feel.
I realized the value of this day was found in my ability to love and to be loved.
Drew and Tim emphasize the need for community, structure, and accountability within the church body. The conversation highlights the dangers of self-directed spirituality and the trend of prioritizing personal comfort over collective worship.
Do you ever find yourself pursuing the happiness of your spouse at the expense of your own well-being or your own desires? Join us and find out what the roots of that people-pleasing may be and what to do about it. You both deserve a voice in your marriage!
God uses us as His coworkers to love our neighbors through our marriages.
Join us for a new episode.
What I need to remember when I feel up against the wall, is that controlling the wall is NOT my only option.
Each one will help you become a more godly parent your kids deserve.
In this episode, they discuss what it looks like when Elders are leading from fear. They will also talk about Elders who are motivated by love can create communities where Love, joy, and trust are fully alive.
Janet explains what it is like to Walk with God as Enoch did!! There is an invitation from the Holy Spirit today…..WILL YOU WALK WITH HIM?
Are you internal storms creating a frenzy that want to take out those around you? Are the little boats in your life being casualties in your storm? Open up to Mark 4:36-40 with me today and let’s see how Jesus tells us to handle it.
Dr. Michelle speaks from both personal and professional experience about the challenges of depression as well as some strategies for journeying through it. Listen in for another encouraging episode!
If you are lost watching your loved one battling substance use, please take a great minute to remember 1) You’re not alone. 2) God has your back far better than anyone else 3) Peace is possible through Christ Jesus.
Even while I sat with my back towards Him, eyes closed to the light, He remained.
Join us as we speak with Israel Wayne ( and address questions you or your family members may have about homeschooling. Listen to part two of a two-part series.
Despite our achievements and accumulations, a sense of fulfillment can often elude us.
In the face of unthinkable circumstances, Noree Bowbeer’s uncommon courage gave the gift of life to her son, Christian Johnson.
Have you ever thought about the Bible as God’s love letter to you? Join Becky and Rachael Adams as they have a conversation about biblical love and practical ways to live out love for others.
As parents, we can begin to feel more like drill sergeants than disciple-makers, and experts at behavior management rather than heart shaping.
Drew and Tim share insights on mental health for pastors, the decline in evangelism, and shifts in church models. They also talk about community engagement, the future of mega-churches, and the role of AI in ministry.
Is your marriage in a funk? Have you lost the friendship that you once had? Let today’s episode be just the encouragement you need to rekindle that long-lost friendship. It’s vital to the longevity of your marriage and on this episode, we’re letting you know why and giving you some tips on how to get it back!
Today’s guest, Anna Bargeron, almost died after she delivered her first child. Because her pregnancy had been uneventful, doctors were mystified by her extreme sickness after delivery. After they finally discovered the reason for her near-death experience, Anna and her husband had to make the difficult decision of whether or not to get pregnant again or, instead, seek to adopt.
We don’t know what a day may bring, but we do know God is good.
It’s painful to watch our daughters struggle and feel powerless to help them.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation with Chris and Jen Coursey, Authors and founders Thrive Today. Listen in as they talk about their personal journey into the elder stage.
Jeff Stanford is a pastor who had Covid-19 pneumonia and was lying on his death bed. But Joy, his wife, brought healing to him by her faith, believing that he would live and not die!
The world makes it ugly; Christian women are rarely taught about it, and it’s all in the Bible! Listen today as we walk through the Word of God to see how we should submit as Jesus shows us first.
Listen in as Dr. Alan Weissenbacher shares about the causes of and approaches to overcoming depression from both his professional expertise and personal story.
Who left who?
As we face our pain, we also face the inevitability that once it’s noticed, pain invites us on a journey of meaning-making.
Join us as we speak with Israel Wayne ( and address questions you or your family members may have about homeschooling. Listen to part one of a two-part series.
Is unbridled freedom dividing America?
Kenza grew up in a Muslim household and practiced the pillars of Islam. Jesus appeared to her in a dream, and her life has never been the same. Join Kenza and Becky as they discuss the journey from darkness to light.
The Spring Closet Outfit Planner comes out THIS WEEK, and I am so excited for you to see what we’ve created for you!! To help you get ready for the planner and keep that seasonal transition simple, I’m taking you into my own closet to show you how I’m personally prepping for spring (with the Closet Outfit Planner in mind)!
If you’re pursuing “infatuation” more than love, then you’re putting your marriage at risk!
To my friends and family combating cancer, you are heroes and have taught me to hold onto hope.
We want to ask for prayer or share a praise request with those closest to us, that’s part of friendship.
Drew and Tim discuss the importance of intentionally seeking the presence of God through daily habits and practical steps. They emphasize the significance of achieving goals in spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible reading, fasting, journaling, worship, and evangelism.
In today’s part 2 conversation, we’re tackling some bad advice around the topic of sex and pornography, and you’ll likely not believe some of the stats we’re sharing. We even share some hard truths about bad advice that can come from the church. Have a listen today as we try to set the record straight on these tough topics.
Ruthie talks about the importance of mentors and hospitality and says, “There’s just something special about welcoming people into your home. Mentoring and hospitality are important topics to discuss when it comes to building strong, godly homes. It’s one significant way we can change the landscape of America when it comes to family.
Sometimes, our inner narratives can quietly sabotage the very work God wants to do in us and through us.
You cannot serve others effectively for the Kingdom of God if you are tired, grumpy, angry, or resentful.
In this episode, they discuss what it looks like when Elders are leading from fear. They will also talk about Elders who are motivated by love can create communities where Love, joy, and trust are fully alive.
Faith is being convinced and persuaded about something that’s birthed by the Holy Spirit into YOUR spirit! Belief is being convinced and persuaded within one’s self about something.
I have 4 words in the Bible that I love. You may be surprised at them, yet be sure to listen to this quick SALTY of my ‘why.’
If the younger members of the team are the wings, you may be the roots that they need.
My guest today is Helen Smallbone…you might know her better as the mom of Grammy-winning Rebecca St. James and For King and Country’s Luke and Joel Smallbone! Her remarkable story will encourage you today how important a mother’s faith is in the face of all odds.
Those living in addiction are alive, but they’re not LIVING! Are you? This is a harsh truth.
By teaching children self-awareness to self-correct over time, you can prepare them for the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Jacque’s heart is breaking for our culture, where 4 out of 5 mothers use a bottle rather than breastfeeding. In this episode, we talk about the need to return to supporting the beauty of breastfeeding.
Stephanie Rousselle’s hope-filled story as a former atheist to the founder of Gospel Spice Ministries is unforgettable. She helps us to start this year by trusting the goodness of God.
Becky Harling shares heartfelt insights on motherhood, focusing on three essential gifts mothers can give their children: being present, expressing gratitude, and praying for them.
God does not need my help, but He gives me the privilege of serving Him.
The ripples of the choices that you make in the family home will impact generations to come!
In this episode, we will expose the gripping power of social media and pornography on the lives of Christians and provide practical strategies for overcoming these addictions through openness and reliance on God’s guidance and accountability from other Christians.
Have you ever gotten horrible marriage advice? What about advice that you thought sounded good but turned out it really wasn’t? In today’s episode, we’re shedding some light on some of what we believe to be some bad advice that won’t help your marriage. In fact, we’re so passionate about you hearing the truth about your marriage that we made this a 2-part series.
How a father communicates—through kindness and constructive feedback—matters immensely.
From the outside, it looked like Celeste Vaughan had a charmed life, but inside she was just trying to get through the day. She actually got to the point where she didn’t even care whether or not she was healed; she just wanted to know why she was having to walk this horrific journey.
Listen in as Dr. Warner talks about the 7-17-70 rule in community, and why know the stories of others are so crucial to feeling connected. Also, learn what his dream for community looks like in family and church.
Janet could feel the Holy Spirit settle on her heart with this strong word. It’s a powerful Word about how God wants to transform your life by starting with your thoughts!! You need to listen to the very end!!!
The more time I spent reading the Bible, journaling, and listening to God, the more strength and peace I found.
Naomi joins me today to share her personal testimony on submitting. She gives several experiences with gems of wisdom!
Lauren Green, Chief Religion Correspondent for Fox News and host of the podcast Lighthouse Faith, joins the Significant Podcast today to remind us that despite the fogginess of our world and its cultural pressures, mistruths, and lies, we can fully depend on our ever-present God.
We are in the fight for our lives against addiction, and it is time to speak out and unwrap the stigma and judgment.
If we have something important to say, there will be time to say it.
Join Anne in part two of our homeopathic conversation, where she shares how we can be prepared for the next wave of colds and flu. Hear the story of her husband’s sickness due to shedding. Plus, what are a few remedies that those that are just starting their homeopathic journey should begin to have on hand?
May this post bring you greater clarity on when to confront and when to surrender the situation to God.
Do you feel too busy to pray? Then you’re invited to find REST in God’s loving presence. Today’s guest, Asheritah Ciuciu, offers you a respite from your spiritual to-do list in her book, Prayers of Rest: 365 Prompts to Hear God’s Voice.
Are you a caregiver? Do you feel exhausted and overwhelmed? Join Becky and Jessica Ronne as they discuss caregiving with grace and grit.
The adversity that seemingly took you so far from the right route is eventually the means to bring you back to grace’s grip.
This week on Style Tips, I’m sharing everything you need to know about choosing the right RED for your Color Code! We’ll go in-depth with each shade and talk about how to match them at the store, plus we’ll go over the do’s and don’ts when choosing a red for each Color Code!
What attitudes or habits have we developed that might contribute to our feeling isolated?
Remind yourself as many times as you need to that you are a child of the King.
This type of control is all about who has the power in the relationship.
Drew and Tim delve into the concept of spiritual blindness, explaining how it impedes personal growth and spiritual maturity.
Is conflict something you tend to run from? Does the mere thought of someone, especially your spouse, being upset with you almost throw you into a panic? If this is you, or your spouse, we’ve got you covered on today’s episode! Join us as we shed some light and some hope on the reasons that might be fueling your disdain for conflict.
Kristen Gault has an amazing story of hope after beating stage two triple-negative breast cancer. After 16 rounds of chemo, 33 radiation treatments, and several surgeries, she’s now cancer-free and is still declaring God’s goodness in her life.
Was Jesus talking about a husband, telling him to not destroy his own marriage?
Listen in as Dr. Warner talks about the importance of building joyful social connection with elders and how healthy multigenerational community and toxic, and/or secretive multigenerational communities look very much the same but produce polar opposite results.
As I woke up this morning, I felt a WORD burning deep within my heart…I thought to myself, “WOW…this sums up the Gospel of Jesus Christ!”
They need to know that you are their nurturer, their protector, and their guide through the tough times of childhood, adolescence, and teenage years.