Leslie Speas

Who Are We to Judge?

Self-righteous judgment can cause us to wrongly estimate ourselves and others based on blind spots or self-deception.

Elevating Your Empathy

Through empathy, we put ourselves in the place of others without judgment or bias and try to understand their unique life experiences.

Something New

It would be fabulous if God would give us a GPS that leads us in the direction of His plan for us.

Cultivating Contentment

Contentment involves consciously recognizing and appreciating what God is doing no matter what the circumstances.

Who Am I, Really?

I don’t have to strive to do or be something extraordinary by the world’s standards.

Hope for Our Crazy World

Placing our hope in anything but God is like expecting a tree to grow and flourish in a barren desert.

Why Can’t We Just Get Along: Steps to Compassionate Conflict

Have you noticed that there are a lot of dissenting opinions in the world today? There are so many areas where we think differently – vaccines, government, abortion to name a few. And many people are very passionate and vocal about their positions. And guess what? This can result in conflict. But all is not […]

Dear Younger Me

Figure out what is most important to you and say no to things that don’t fit these criteria.

Guilt Be Gone

Guilt negatively impacts our lives and holds us back from the lives that God wants for us.

Hot Mess – Holy MESSage

Having delved deeply into God’s redemptive grace and continually receiving the truth of her new identity in Christ, Speas unashamedly boasts in her weaknesses.

Comparison Steals Our Joy

God has uniquely and precisely created you and me with specific gifts and talents to do what He’s called us to do.

Spiritual Warrior

The enemy will try everything possible to throw roadblocks in our path and to stop us from being fruitful.

Paralyzing People-Pleasing

People-pleasers feel that a failure to please will result in rejection and they will no longer be valuable.

Facing Your Fears

His Word is the greatest weapon against fear and, in fact, the Bible tells us not to fear over 200 times.