We are living in days of wars, rumors of wars, racial divisions, and deception. Our eyes view images that deeply impact our souls with grief and horror. It is a time when God’s people are praying prayers of desperation like David prayed in the Psalms. And yet, God has not given us a spirit of heaviness— and He calls us to take time from dwelling on the tragic things of this world in order to gaze and focus our attention upon the beauty of His gifts that surround us.
There is balance and healing for our souls as we take time to realign our lives to peace and beauty.
Just as there is a sabbath each week from our physical work— there too is a sabbath rest from constantly engaging in things that weigh us down or are too difficult for us. Today, I will take the day to fast the news, and social media posts and I will turn my gaze to focus on beauty. I will take time to look upon the autumn leaves and walk upon the carpeted paths of fall. I will look into the faces of my loved ones and soak in the gratitude I experience when I see their beauty.
I will listen to the cheers of families watching their son or daughter playing soccer on the field behind our home— the sounds of victory and joy. I will wait for the sunset and be sure not to miss the colors that are painted upon the heavens that remind me that God is over all and in all. And maybe— tonight I will sit by a fire and let the dancing flames and amber glow renew my soul.
Remember— you are not the savior— He is. And He never slumbers or sleeps. He is not burdened or anxious about anything that is happening in the world around us. He invites us and asks us to pray, to engage, and to battle alongside Him but He also invites us to walk upon paths of peace and rest that restore us and remind us that HE ALONE IS GOD.
You have permission to enter into a Sabbath rest. You have permission to take a break from that which is out of your control in order to walk with Him in the cool of the day. Linger in the warmth of hope. Find something that causes you to stand in awe. And take the time to hug someone that you love— not quickly, but long and slow until comfort wraps around you like a soft blanket.
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Inscribe Ministries
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