
PSALMS TO SLEEP BETTER: Introduction to Psalms to Help You Sleep

Welcome to the Psalms to Help You Sleep podcast with Sarah Frazer and Jennifer Holmes. If you struggle to fall asleep at night or go through your day fighting anxiety and depression, pull up a chair. Psalms is a book that gives us permission to feel but also to hear. 

Needed Rest Coming

There is the struggle to resist sin in order to be able to follow God’s ways of living.

We Are the Sabbath People

The Sabbath is a large chalice overflowing with the wine of abundance. It is the Bread of Life, broken, and forever filling.

Sabbath Rest

When we take a Sabbath rest, we acknowledge our dependence on God.

Nighttime Revelation

Ask the Lord for dreams and instructions that you will carry into the daytime hours.

Struggling to Find Rest?

To enter the resting place of His presence requires me to turn from myself and admit that I need Him.

Go Ahead, Rest Deeply

We usually measure faith in its ability to do great works, but faith is found just as surely in how we rest.  

The Way Sleep Finds Me

The wise are always capable of distinguishing between what can be changed and what cannot . . . and never confuses the two.

Healing Bath Recipe

I believe with all of my heart that God provides all that we need for complete wellness right here on earth.

Gather at the Table

Gather at the Table today and feast on the Banquet that God has prepared for you.

Take the Nap

Our bodies need rest. They need stillness, a time-out, rare moments of nothing.

On Being Still

It’s very easy to start feeling like the lack of forward momentum or breakthrough is because of something you are not doing…

Tech, Attention, and the Holy Spirit

The technology that has become ubiquitous in our 21st-century lives is distinct
in that it merges with our daily lives to the extent that it is never very far from our minds.

Get on God’s Platform

Finding a daily routine that fits life can definitely feel like a theme park ride on the tallest and most dangerous roller coaster.

On (Over) Busyness: How to Step Away

When we’re too busy, we tend not to make time for proper self-reflection, for processing our thoughts and feelings and fail to grow as a result.


I AM all that you will ever need. Have you asked me into your heart? Have you come to Me with all your needs?

Covenant Love

My Covenant Love is beckoning to you. Will you answer My call?

My Health Journey

The only way I felt I could finish my degree with sanity was to physically remove myself from campus and to come home and finish school online.