strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; Colossians 1:11
Every person has struggles that one has to get through. Sometimes these troubles are extremely difficult to overcome, while other times they are not very difficult. During the time of walking through these difficulties, most people tend to get depressed and upset about the path they are on. They complain and often want to quit, not understanding why they are having to deal with everything that is occurring. There is little strength and no real hope in their lives.
Paul opens his letter to the Colossian church with a prayer. He prays that in view of doing works for God, he wants them to be strengthened by God’s power to have patience with His joy to do what needs to be done.
Depression is something that is very common in people of every age level. People do not know how to deal with difficulties in their life and wonder why their life is not better than what it is. They want things better right now and because it is not better, they have very little to no joy in their life.
Feelings like the world often permeate the lives of believers in the church. People follow God believing that everything will be easy, with no trouble at all as they are doing the work God wants them to do. When trouble comes, people fall into depression and want to give up.
Rather than doing work in their own strength and abilities, believers are to do it in God’s strength. As they do it, the world will rise up against them, but they are to be patient and continue to do the work with joy knowing the prize that is before them of eternal life with Jesus.
Doing what God desires of you will come with troubles and difficulties. The world is going to try and stop you. It will be easy to get depressed and want to quit. Work in His strength and power. Be patient for God to bring about the better times in your life. Recognize that you can have a joy that the world cannot know nor understand because you know what God has planned for you someday in eternity. Be filled with His strength, patience, and joy that passes all understanding.
Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that God will fill you with His strength and power; that you will do all God calls you to do; that you will be patient in doing God’s work; and that you will be filled with His joy.
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This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom
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