Facing difficult solutions, we cling to a thread of hope.
Recognizing the need for renewal, our souls cry for mercy.
Hearing the cry of the heart, the Father releases sympathy.
In compassion and mercy, He touches areas infected much.
Touched by His love, our hearts awaken to His gentle touch.
With courage, hands lifted, we embrace renewed activity.
As faith rises, we make decisions for productivity.
Captivity left behind; vision fills the heart with hope.
No longer bound by self-pity, faith rises for challenges ahead.
Necessary faith steps taken, immersed in His Spirit, we tread.
From faith to faith, His righteousness revealed, invincibility occurs.
With renewal fully released, our hearts fully awakened, He restores.
In the might of His Spirit, gifts release for serving and ministry.
With our place at the table restored, peace and joy replace despair.
Giving thanksgiving and praise for His gentle touch, we rejoice.
Father, give me strength as I present my body as a living sacrifice to You. Help me make straight paths for my feet while You continually heal and set me free from those areas that hinder me from running the race.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Ken Birks
Featured Image by
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Ken Birks
Featured Image by Jupi Lu from Pixabay