Set Ablaze for Greater Works

We will walk in one accord, in agreement with one another, to do the work God put in us to do. 

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We have been set ablaze for the greater works in Harvest- the Book of Acts is now

On May 27, when I was in between sleep and wakefulness, I heard these words- “You will do greater exploits than these,” and then I unintentionally fell back asleep. I’ve been working a great deal and doing lots of projects around our home, so I’ve been more tired than usual. When I fell back to sleep, I had a brief and powerful dream.

In my dream, there were beautiful hues of red with golden flames moving around. I could not identify what I was seeing until I chose to focus on the flames. I saw silhouettes of men walking around. It seemed as if they had been set ablaze. In the center of their bodies to the tops of their heads were flames; Each had a flame of fire consistent with the size of the silhouettes that contained them.

Immediately I awoke astonished by what I saw in my dream. I had forgotten it was Pentecost until just a few minutes ago. I also have not been able to not pray in my heavenly language since hearing these words over and over again, “You are here Moving in our midst…..”  The words are from a song known as ” Way Maker” by Sinach, the Nigerian gospel songwriter.

Allow me to digress- Historically, and in Scripture, this week is the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Harvest, also known as the latter firstfruits, and Shavuot or Pentecost (Numbers 28:26, Exodus 23:16) We are also in the month of Sivan, according to the Hebrew calendar. Sivan is the month when the grain becomes ripened and it is a time of harvest. We are about to witness the demonstration of the greater works after this Pentecost.


There were key events in the life of Jesus leading up to the day of Pentecost-

Jesus was betrayed by Judas and denied by Peter. Jesus was captured and crucified, died, and was resurrected from the grave. He also made Himself known to the apostles and then ascended into heaven. When betrayals happen, trust in the Lord for the best outcome. A weakness is being exposed to them or you. If it was you, repent and make amends. If it wasn’t, repent of unforgiveness. Either way, get healed of the hurt. Quickly move forward. Restoring your brother to you and to Christ is key. (Matthew 18)

The scripture shows Peter repented, he wept at what he did and he went on to do great exploits for God. Unfortunately, Judas never did and he met his demise because he did not know Christ. We are never to rejoice in these things. Forgiving one another as Christ forgave us. We must carry on and fight the good fight. We are clearly never to wish for anyone’s harm, or we are not in alignment with the Holy Spirit.

He prepared the apostles for His permanent departure to glory. He equipped them well for the days ahead because they were about to move in the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit, whom they did know yet. Jesus asked Philip (John 14 v. 8-10)  if He knew Hm, and if he did, then Philip also knew His heavenly Father since they, Jesus and the Heavenly Father, were one. He also promised He would not leave them comfortless when he finally departed to glory. He instructed them to wait for their comforter to come.


We are the book of Acts Church-  

We will walk in one accord, in agreement with one another, to do the work God put in us to do. If we know Christ, we are well equipped for the work set before each one of us. Expect to do the greater works, which are the demonstration of the gifts of the spirit in words of wisdom, words of knowledge, the discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues and having the interpretation of tongues, the demonstration of the power of God also displays the resurrection power of the cross. We will cast out demons and miracles, signs, and wonders will follow us who believe. (Mark 16:17)

You have been set ablaze, emboldened by the Holy Spirit to do the greater works now. Be ready and expectant. We are the book of Acts. Satan has no power over Christ; Christ lives in us. We will do our Father’s will. And as Christ overcame the world, so shall we.


Scripture references

John 14:12

“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father. ”

Acts 2:1-4

“When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested[a] on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

John 14:30

“I will not speak with you much longer, for the ruler of the world (Satan) is coming. And he has no claim on Me [no power over Me nor anything that he can use against Me];”

John 21:17

“He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me [with a deep, personal affection for Me, as for a close friend]?” Peter was grieved that He asked him the third time, “Do you [really] [b]love Me [with a deep, personal affection, as for a close friend]?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know everything; You know that I love You [with a deep, personal affection, as for a close friend].” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.”

Colossians 1:27

“God [in His eternal plan] chose to make known to them how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in and among you, the hope and guarantee of [realizing the] glory.”

Acts 1:8

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on The Keys to Kingdom

Featured Image by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

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About the Author

Christianna Anastasia Schreifels served in over 24 nations as a short-term missionary with YWAM and other organizations for ten years. She is a seer and a dreamer. Since the age of nine, the Lord has given her many prophetic dreams that have come to pass and offered spiritual insight to the body of Christ. She has taught and equipped the body of Christ for over 20 years about prophecy & dream interpretation on the foundation of scripture. Presently, she lives in the mountains of Southern California with her husband and her children. Christianna shares as the Holy Spirit leads. Her heart is to see multitudes come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. She enjoys activating others in their prophetic anointing. She is passionate about family and the end-time saints becoming a sanctuary where the Lord may dwell among them as in Exodus 8 and to see the people of God walk in unity.

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