Christianna Schreifels

The Year of the Ox

The well-trained Ox will train the younger ones and build together in joy even amidst suffering.

Make Him Known

We are the children of God rising up that creation has cried out for.

The Ravens are Coming

You will endure times of drought and famine and bring the answer to stop these by calling people to repentance and salvation to Christ.

It’s Birthing Time

The Lord factored in all the mistakes His Beloveds would make, and yet He honored their faith and obedience in it all.

He Knows Your Name 

Of all the issues you are facing in the natural and spiritual- place it all in His hands. 

God is Declaring “Man on fire!”

I received the strong impression that the revival we are awaiting will not occur anywhere in any nation unless regeneration takes place in the hearts of men first.