The Year of the Ox
The well-trained Ox will train the younger ones and build together in joy even amidst suffering.
The well-trained Ox will train the younger ones and build together in joy even amidst suffering.
The children being raised by these fathers will be fishers of men and will bring freedom to many.
My people, you will thrive in the winds of adversity because My winds will carry you.
It’s not a time to fret. It’s a time to rejoice and prepare the way for Me.
We are the children of God rising up that creation has cried out for.
I sensed the Lord’s tremendous mercy over the people of our nation.
The Lord, the God of Israel, was getting Jeremiah’s focus shifted to becoming well-equipped for his future.
Your worship and your prayers are transforming the land underneath your feet as you obey what the LORD has called you for!
The well-trained ox will train the younger ones and they will build together in joy even amidst suffering.
You will endure times of drought and famine and bring the answer to stop these by calling people to repentance and salvation to Christ.
We will walk in one accord, in agreement with one another, to do the work God put in us to do.
You are taking territory that may be unfamiliar to you but remember, the Lord has already gone before you.
The Lord factored in all the mistakes His Beloveds would make, and yet He honored their faith and obedience in it all.
God is bringing to you your supply so you may establish the “house of God” here on earth.
Of all the issues you are facing in the natural and spiritual- place it all in His hands.
Many of you feel your circumstances are impossible and want to give up. Don’t!
I have a powerful impression the Lord will use Ohio to turn around our nation.
Our root system requires an excellent source to feed it. Let’s feed it well and fix our eyes on the One who saved us.
I received the strong impression that the revival we are awaiting will not occur anywhere in any nation unless regeneration takes place in the hearts of men first.
The tasks at hand will be there when you’re done getting filled up by Holy Spirit.
I saw many North Koreans praying on their knees, calling out to the Lord in a time of trouble.
The Lord is swiftly moving us in the direction we are meant to go.
I heard the Holy Spirit say, “The news will show the glory of the Lord.”