Rick Joyner’s Word For the Week: Life in the Kingdom, Part 4

There’s nothing like the peace and joy we can have when we know we’re in the Lord’s will.

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As we continue our study of life in the kingdom, beginning with the critical factor of new covenant church life, one of the most common questions I am asked is, “What do I do if there’s no church body near me to fit into?” My answer is always the same—“Move!”

Years ago, I was shown by the Lord that most of His people were not living in the place to which He had called them. Also,  this would become increasingly dangerous in the times we are entering. He said that most were out of His geographical will because they did not seek first His kingdom when choosing where to live. He told me Matthew 6:33, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you,” was the most important instruction He had given about being in His will. 

Choosing where to live because of family, or where we like the geography, or where the best job opportunity is, can be rewarding in some ways, but it can also create unnecessary struggles. I have even asked those who told me they chose where they lived based on a job opportunity, how that job went. They usually answered “good” or “okay.” But when I asked them how everything else was going, like their family, it was almost always tragic. All of them said they would gladly take a lesser job if it would make everything else better. That’s what the Lord promised if we would seek first His kingdom—that He would take care of everything else.

I have spent several years out of the Lord’s geographical will because I did not seek His will and moved for family reasons. I still experienced many blessings from the Lord. He will never leave us nor forsake us, even when we depart from His will. I gained knowledge about leading and managing a large, fast-growing organization that later allowed me to build MorningStar. I made more money in some months than I thought I would make in a lifetime but was miserable, distressed in my heart, and my family paid a dear price. 

When the Lord confronted me about returning to His will, I gladly offered to Him all the blessings I had received by building a successful business in exchange for Him extricating me from their bondage so I could return to His will. He accepted my offer. Within a month, lightning struck my business so I could return to North Carolina where He had called me. I lost the fortune, returned with less than when I left, and did not know what I would do other than follow Him, but I hadn’t felt better in years!

There’s nothing like the peace and joy we can have when we know we’re in the Lord’s will. Romans 12:2 declares, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” When our minds are renewed, we won’t make decisions like those of this world, and we can “prove what the will of God is.” Nothing else can give us peace and joy like knowing we are in God’s will. No job is worth compromising peace and joy. Our families and loved ones will benefit far more by us being in God’s will than they ever will by having us live near them. 

The Lord used the phrase “fear not” more than any other in Scripture. The main reason many Christians do not seek His kingdom and will first is they fear they will not like where He leads them. We may not like it at first, but our lives will fare much better, and we will have peace and joy in His kingdom instead of the anxieties and miseries of this world.

One clear indication we are in God’s geographic will is there will be a body of believers where we will fit. If we are connected to the Head in His will, we will also connect with His body. As John wrote, if we walk in the light, we will have koinonia—the highest level of relationship there is with Him and His people. If we don’t have this, we have somehow departed from the light we will always have when we are in His will.


© 2021 by Rick Joyner. All rights reserved.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on MorningStar Ministries

Featured Image by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash

Rick and Julie Joyner founded MorningStar Ministries in 1985. It is a diverse and expanding international ministry that began with the biblical mandate of Matthew 24:45-46:

“Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time? Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes.”

Rick has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest TrilogyThere Were Two Trees in the GardenThe Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization that includes Heritage International MinistriesMorningStar UniversityMorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick’s latest Rant #ricksrants

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About the Author

MorningStar Ministries is a Kingdom Winds Contributor. They are a diverse and expanding international ministry founded by Rick and Julie Joyner in 1985. MorningStar's goal is to help strengthen the church by helping believers become the strongest Christians possible, and therefore true light and salt in the earth.