Rick Joyner’s Word For the Week: The Book of Revelation, Part 15
Only love can motivate us to persevere to do what it takes, loving Him above all else, even ourselves.
Only love can motivate us to persevere to do what it takes, loving Him above all else, even ourselves.
Spiritual authority does not come by knowing our authority in Christ as much as it does by knowing His authority in us.
Now that we are at the end of this age, we can see how accurately history was predicted in the book of Revelation.
Understanding what it means to become His bondservant is essential to understanding this vision.
God’s government—His kingdom—is now being established. Seek it and put your trust in it.
When we start letting our politics color our faith in God instead of letting our faith in God determine our politics, both will be corrupted.
If we’re living for Him and not ourselves, it will always be all about Him.
The Holy Spirit is called “the Helper” because He helps us through the process of restoration and uses us to help others.
Creation will have a clear understanding of the ultimate result of all we try to do without God.
The bride nature of the true church will take on the Lord’s heart for all of His purposes, especially the restoration of mankind.
As we see at the end of the book of Revelation, everything that was lost in the Garden is recovered.
Tribulations are a gateway to the kingdom for us, and ultimately for the whole world.
Jesus is the centerpiece of all understanding, especially of understanding history.
Jesus is the purpose and the main theme of this prophecy, and He must be the main focus of this study.
The devil uses fear to keep the world under his power just as the Lord uses faith to set men free.
It is more dangerous not to understand the book of Revelation than to seek understanding of it.
God’s people have always been required to know the voice of the Lord, not just obey commandments.
The exhilaration that comes with the knowledge of God and His ways is greater than any other.
They belong to Him and have nothing of their own, not even themselves or their time.
The biblical prophecies were given to us because we need them for understanding, and we need them in order to be prepared for the times.
Maturity compels us to see Him as He is and for us to be changed into His image.
Not only is the earth going to endure, but we’re told that the Father Himself is going to come to the earth to dwell among men!
We serve Him because we love Him, and He is our Father and we want to work in the “family business.”
Much light has been given to America, yet the nation is largely rejecting it.
The Lord will only stay where He is wanted, and the consequence of His departure from our land has been terrible.
We must be willing to become increasingly different from those who are of the spirit of this world and the spirit of lawlessness.
The institutional church is a very socialist organization, and its goals promote conformity more than providing liberty.
We must resolve that we will not allow any form of slavery in our land on our watch.
Do the dead fear rejection, failure, or any other yoke of bondage this present world seeks to place on us?
True kindness can only be rooted in love, and ultimately only in the love of God.
We were made to be His dwelling place—His temple—and should not be satisfied with anything less than that.
The Lord knew how my impatience was affecting almost everything else.
I was told by the Lord that impatience was costing me greatly, especially in ways the Lord wanted to use me that I was missing.
His kingdom is His domain, where His authority is recognized and obeyed—where His will is done.
We should be spending much more time looking for what God is doing than at what the devil is doing.
Focusing on our own legacy seems a pretty sure way to tarnish it or, worse, to lose our true legacy, which is with the Lord, not men.
The River of Life is the purest, most exhilarating, edifying, awe-inspiring, and fascinating way on earth.
This manifesto is based on facts of the Constitution of the United States, which was adopted as “the supreme law of the land.”
Many have not been led to Christ but to a doctrine.
We will have challenges and persecution, but we have the Lord with us in them, and everything we go through will work out for our good.
Unity by conformity is from hell, not heaven.
Our goal—the reason He created man–is to live in His presence.
Nothing we can experience in this realm is more wonderful or compelling than the Lord’s parousia.
A large portion of the harvest is going to be people who have called themselves Christians.
How would a congregation built to attract the Lord be different from one built to attract people?
Christianity may be the most difficult life one could live, but it is also the best and most fulfilling.
Church government and structure are meant to serve and protect the place of koinonia, not the other way around.
If we follow the Lamb, we will become all we are called to be in an edifying, practical way.
Ask for the Lord’s vision for your congregation, then proclaim it and pray that every member sees it.
Man’s church can usually be identified by having a form of godliness, but not the Lord’s power and presence.
We are here to bring a taste of heaven to a world that is falling into increasing darkness, division, and lawlessness.
We must guard against making sweeping judgments based on partial information.
We must rise to a heavenly perspective to see Him as He is—as both kind and severe.
The ultimate purpose for which we have been created and called is to be conformed to the image of Christ.
True discipleship, as defined by Jesus, is next-level Christianity compared to what most believers see or experience.
Seeking His kingdom first keeps us on the path toward walking in everything He accomplished.
We should acknowledge our unbelief and ask for His help to believe.
We must resolve to better listen to each other, especially with those whom we disagree.
Many lives can be saved if we will just recognize when a situation has crossed a line and act quickly and decisively.
There’s nothing like the peace and joy we can have when we know we’re in the Lord’s will.
God wants us to know Him as Father first before King or any other title for which He is worthy.
Wait on the Lord, inquire of Him for all things, and listen for His instructions and guidance.
If we keep Him first we can be trusted with other great blessings for which He paid a dear price for us to have and enjoy.
Be thankful for all His blessings but also know there is more and keep seeking that.
Nothing in this world should be as exciting and interesting as the gathering of God’s people.
No one person can have the mind of Christ, but each of us has been given a part.
We can be absolutely assured that the Lord will have a bride that is perfect, and “without spot or wrinkle.”
When we are conformed to the image of Christ and abide in Him, our works will be His works.
The Lord will bless many things He will not inhabit.
We cannot rightly be connected to the Head if we are not also connected to His body.
Our main goal in seeking to build His house should be to get our blueprints from Him.
When the teachings of any church are weighted towards principles rather than the Lord Himself, they are trending in a dangerous direction.
Christianity is not about outward observances and rituals; it’s about an inward relationship with Him first and then His people.
As tolerant and patient as the Lord is, spiritual immaturity is one of the greatest challenges of churches in our time.
After our love for God, our love for one another is the second most important thing for which we were created.
Being self-focused is not how we mature in Christ. We seek Him to be changed by His glory.
The Lord said to me in that dream, “You are not to lead people to a place but to a state of mind. The kingdom of God is within you.”
When my worst fear came upon me and I resolved to face it with faith and thanksgiving, fear departed, and the joy of the Lord took its place.
The right choice for a Christian is to follow the Lord—not an opinion or a philosophy but the Person who is the Way.
If most churches today are filled with weak, lukewarm believers, it may be because they are following programs rather than Christ.
We signed up to follow the Lord, and He has a history of showing up in the humblest of places.
Freedom is difficult because of the bondage every human being has toward sin and toward the ultimate slavedriver, Satan.
As the call to follow Jesus is watered down to make it easier, Christians become weaker.
Throughout this age, many have watered down the gospel to make it easier for people to make a choice.
The faith required to follow Christ is spelled c-o-u-r-a-g-e, and the decision to follow Him requires this.
No establishment or institution built by men can measure up to what He will build for Himself.
If we have been conformed to the image of Christ and abide in Him, our works will be His works.
If we do not seize this opportunity for profound change in the right direction, it could turn in a bad direction.
No matter how intense it becomes or looks like our republic has failed, we will never lose hope!
Religious institutions in America have been bleeding members faster than political parties.
America also needs a left and right-wing to be who it was created to be.
A decisive majority of Americans have turned back to traditional, biblical morals and values.
We are now entering the ultimate clash between the wheat and the tares sown in mankind—the ultimate battle between liberty and slavery.
This Kingdom highway requires both building and fighting skills since we are building in what is now enemy territory.
Even the seemingly most stable governments of the world are being shaken to their foundations in this time.
The unity of His people is dearest to God’s heart, but not a unity that compromises with darkness.
One thing I seek above all else is to grow in love for Him each day.
Everyone must be moored to the practical details, including the highest leaders responsible for the most expansive visions.
If we will stay in a place of continual prayer and fellowship with the Lord, He can speak to us throughout the day.
If we become what we are called to be, we will do what we are called to do.