I’ve never been one for fanfare and hoo-ha, and as time goes on the burden for purity is just intensifying. The pure flow and manifestation of the spirit of God can be very confronting to many, even to those who claim they are fed up with the performance style expression and chant over and over “We just want God in our midst.”
Do you? Do you really, though? The pure flow will challenge every ounce of need for entertainment, control, attention seeking, praises of man addictions, ego promoting, insidious competitiveness, kingdom building agendas in the heart.
See here’s the deal, the Lord will not share His Glory with another. So if we really and I mean really, desire to step into His presence in all ways, then competing with God for the glory needs to D.I.E.
What do you mean by competing with God for the Glory? I mean exactly that. When it’s ever about being seen by men and a lack of reverence and surrender to His agenda or maintaining and preserving reputation then it’s about Y.O.U.
He is our prize and our portion our inheritance and great reward, And when that truly is the case, we will be sharers in His Glory as Paul says in Romans 8. Which is Kingdom coming. The Glory is the dominion of His Kingdom not just an anointing or a gift flowing. When His kingdom comes so does the fear of the Lord.
The Lord is fire, His very presence is fire, and He wants to show up in us and through us.
So let the fire burn. Let it burn and reveal the Kingdom that’s in you. Let it burn up all selfish ambition and anything else that sets itself up in the heart that competes, opposes, rejects, or rebels against His ways and purposes. The biggest and greatest thing the fire of God does is bring us out of denial. Many times because we know the correct lingo and the right concepts acceptable to God we think we are walking our lives in alignment to His way. However, in many cases, this is just head knowledge and not true heart transformation that brings forth the “fruits” of repentance.
The fire reveals the plumb line. Oh God, how we need your presence. Your Fire is our friend.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Revival Flame Ministries
Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Ephesians 1:14-20
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