THE FATHER’S HEART PODCAST: The Ministry of Deliverance

It is part of the believer’s authority and part of our role as kingdom ambassadors on the earth to cast out demons by the Spirit of God. Releasing on earth as it is in heaven and seeing His bride truly transformed and set free by the power of God.

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Kingdom Winds
Kingdom Winds
THE FATHER'S HEART PODCAST: The Ministry of Deliverance




In this episode, Tyler Medina talks about the ministry of deliverance in accordance with the great commission and our authority as believers in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “In My name, you will cast out demons…” It is part of the believer’s authority and part of our role as kingdom ambassadors on the earth to cast out demons by the Spirit of God. Releasing on earth as it is in heaven and seeing His bride truly transformed and set free by the power of God.

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About the Author

Tyler Medina is a revivalist, author, and emerging prophetic voice with a passion to bring the church into a deeper life of intimacy with God. Tyler was marked by a radical encounter with Jesus at eighteen years old in a jail cell, facing twenty years in prison for a crime he did not commit. After this encounter, Tyler promised to preach the gospel wherever God would send him and declare the good news of Jesus Christ. He has spent the last ten years traveling throughout the United States and South America working with church plants to stir up the wells of revival in their regions. Anna Jo Medina is a worship leader, songwriter, author, teacher, and prophetic voice with a heart to draw people to the feet of Jesus through worship and teaching of the Word. Her heart’s cry is to spend her days at the feet of Jesus, breaking her alabaster box and showing others how to pour out their very best to the One who deserves it all. Together, Tyler and Anna Jo are the founders of Consuming Love Ministries, a ministry committed to strengthening the church by cultivating a deeper experience of God's presence in their daily lives. They are also the senior leaders of Trinity Life Center, where there is a strong focus on equipping the next generation and seeing them fall passionately in love with Jesus. They are also the hosts of “The Father’s Heart” podcast. They reside in Lexington, Kentucky, with their beautiful daughter Cadence Grace.