Dream about the Church, Economy, and President Trump

We must be led by the Spirit and respond quickly to His initiatives if we are to be at our best when we are needed the most.

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On January 19, my husband Bobby had a very unusual dream. As a pastor and apostolic leader in our region, Bobby has had several dreams in the last few years that contained critical messages to the Body of Christ. In this latest dream, there is a message, not only for the Church but specifically for church leaders to prepare for the days ahead. There will be some bumpy roads ahead, but it is our covenant relationship with the Father that will get us through to victory.
This was his dream:

I’m on a bus with our congregation traveling to Virginia Tech (my Alma mater). President Trump is on the bus with us, interacting with everyone. He was sitting with his back to me, and I was putting my feet on his back to give him support. His seat was sideways compared to mine (like a T), and I was close to him but hadn’t met him yet. 

Suddenly, he comes and sits in the empty seat beside me and we start chatting. He asks where I’m going, and I say Virginia Tech to finish school. I told him I had started there some years ago but stopped for various reasons and was now going back. He encouraged me, asked where I would live, and asked how I planned to bring my furniture and things down to where I would stay. I told him I was looking for a room to stay in because I already knew some people who lived there.

Then President Trump went to the back of the bus to go to the bathroom and he left me his wallet. I examined it and noticed it was full of money. I saw a $5 bill, then realized it wasn’t mine, so I kept it safe for him and placed it under my thigh. When he returned, I gave it back.

The bus then came into the Virginia Tech valley and there in front of us was a huge water park. Families and children were playing in and around the water. As we came close to the water park and next to a pool, I decided to dive out the bus window and into the pool – so I did. It was very refreshing. I also realized this was uncharacteristic of me, but I just did it.

Then I realized I was separated from the bus. So, I got out of the pool and saw the bus coming down another street. I started walking towards the bus as it went up a hill, turn, and then disappear. I walked up this hill, which was now a dirt road and full of holes, and found myself coming out of a compound of some eastern religion. When I looked down at the road, I noticed it was paved again.

I then saw a building with the name of my bus line ahead. Following my instincts, I went to the bus station, and on one side, it resembled a junk yard for old buses. Some buses were functioning and some were not. I wandered through the area and then spotted my church’s bus. The bus had stopped for repairs and the air conditioning unit was out. I was relieved to find the bus and climbed on with everyone, telling them how amazing the water and swim was. I looked to see President Trump had pulled some chairs in a line and was lying down taking a nap.


Though there are many hidden gems in this dream, here are the main messages we believe the Lord is revealing:


  • The context for this dream is in the first paragraph. It involves a local congregation, a pastor, and the President of the United States. It ties the local church to the nation and is calling attention to one pastor’s interaction in both fields and how he walks through the unexpected. The destination of this particular journey is to “finish” God’s plan for his sons and daughters on the earth.


  • The President represented a father figure to Bobby because of his care and concern for Bobby’s well-being. Just as President Trump entrusted his finances to Bobby, so our Heavenly Father has given us, as His children, full access to all His resources and provision. (It also infers President Trump’s desire to see the people in this nation thrive economically.)


  • Bobby placing the wallet underneath his thigh is a reference to an Old Testament practice signifying covenant (Genesis 24:2-3; 47:29). This is a major component of this dream. Regardless of what lies ahead, we are being invited into a covenant relationship with God the Father that will secure our safety, our peace, and our well-being. If we are faithful to His Word and obey the Spirit’s directives, God will most assuredly take care of us. (Also, President Lincoln is on the $5 bill – the President known for the Emancipation Proclamation and freeing this nation from slavery. We believe President Trump has a similar mandate.)


  • Bobby’s uncharacteristic jump out the window and into a pool of refreshing water shows the invitation for pastors and church leaders to get refreshed through the power of Holy Spirit. It is imperative that God’s leaders are ready for the days to come from a place of rest and renewal, not stress and burnout. The Lord will sovereignly provide these opportunities and for those who follow His lead, there will be no hesitation to jump in.


  • Seeing the road change to dirt as Bobby came through a compound of foreign origins implies a period in our journey that will feel like we’re in a third-world nation. Though no details are provided, this period will not last long, and we will come through into a phase of transformation and rebuilding.


  • Bobby’s journey seemed to be guided by the Holy Spirit (jumping in the pool without hesitation and “following his instincts”). He was drawn to his “bus line,” which represents those leaders and churches that are in line with what the Spirit is doing on the earth. Unlike other churches that have shut down and lost their power, churches that are aligned with heaven in this hour will receive the full benefit of God’s restorative power in the rebuilding phase.


  • The bus needed repairs and a new air-conditioner due to the rough ride. This shows the need to be ready for a time of healing and restoration once we come through the rough patch. The fresh wind of the Spirit will be needed to breathe life into people once again. And because Bobby had responded to the invitation for personal refreshment, he was ready, as pastor, to encourage his own people from firsthand experience. 


  • President Trump appearing again at the end confirms God’s absolute intention to finish what He started in bringing His Church through these troubling times. Just as Jesus slept in the boat during the storm, so can we be assured that God has already made provisions for our redemption and transformation. And He needs his leaders, like President Trump, to learn how to rest in Him and have absolute faith in His ultimate plan for delivering nations and setting people free.



Given these main markers in the dream, we believe the overall message is a call to leaders and pastors in the Church to prepare for the days ahead. We must be led by the Spirit and respond quickly to His initiatives if we are to be at our best when we are needed the most. We need to walk in the assurance of our covenant relationship with a faithful God, for this is what will give us the needed confidence to walk through whatever comes.

We are already tasting some of the “dark days” that have been prophesied in the last few years. But, we believe these times of trouble will not last long. Though there’s no indication of exactly how long, we see God pointing to a time in the near future when we will begin the rebuilding process. It will be a time of renewal and refreshment as the sons and daughters of the Father are empowered by the Spirit of God to fulfill our commission on the earth.


Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Wanda Alger

Featured Image by REDioACTIVE from Pixabay 

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About the Author

Wanda Alger is a Kingdom Winds Contributor. She is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister with DOVE USA (dcfi.org) and has a passion to equip and empower the saints for the work of ministry! She has produced five books, numerous video, and audio teaching series, and is currently working on her next project which will be addressing personal freedom and deliverance. Stay tuned!

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