Paddling Pools

God is waiting for you to believe and step out of the pool of limited belief, and into the ocean of His Provision!

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I seem to be reposting quite a few older posts lately and this is usually because The Holy Spirit prompts me to do so.

I asked Him why, and He replied that many of my old posts, which were spot on for the time of original posting, are still spot on for today!

This is another such post, reposted now because very little has changed.

But now it’s issued as a Warning that time is short and many of us need to buck up our ideas and step into the season to which we are called.


The Word

I am standing on a beach. The ocean, actually the English Channel, is before me stretching out to the continent of Europe.

All I can see is the sea — no ships, not even small sailboats — just sea.

As I walk along the shore, I suddenly become aware of people playing on the beach, splashing around in the water.

As I draw closer, I hear them singing a gospel song, “Love, vast as the ocean”, as they splash around.

Then I noticed that they were in a paddling pool, filled with seawater, but a paddling pool, not the sea!

Even so, they are shouting encouragement to each other, “Come on in, the waters fine!”

Then I hear God speaking. “This is My Church!

They think they have gotten into the Sea of My Love, but they have only just begun to sample it.

They have no real idea of the width, depth, and height of My love.

They have their sample and they think that’s all there is to it.

They are like those who pass a restaurant and smell the food, think it’s delicious, and move on to the next restaurant to smell the next “good food” without trying what is before them!

They think their paddling pool is all there is. They get their buzz and move on, looking for the next pool to paddle in.

They cannot see nor even imagine the vast expanse of sea that’s available to them. It’s like they’ve been given a wonderful present.

They are wide-eyed in wonder and almost delirious with pleasure, so they put it away again to be bought out when they next want to taste what it holds.

They cannot imagine there is a vast supply, an unending supply. The sea beside them is everything that My Spirit holds for them — but they daren’t even believe for it let alone look at it.

Heaven forbid that they should dip their toes into the whole real thing!

Tell them…. Tell them to get into and explore the ocean of My love, the vast expanse of My Holy Spirit.

He is just waiting for them to believe and step out of the pool of their limited belief, and into the ocean of My Provision!”

There is a new urgency about this.

We need to step into much more, if not ALL, of what He has already provided for us.

It will soon be TOO LATE!



The Upper Room Encounter

Featured Image by Hans from Pixabay

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About the Author

Chris and Linda Bennett, are founders of The Upper Room - A Place of Encounter. Upper Room has at its heart a great yearning to see revival return to the UK—to Wales in particular. The ministry operates in all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They currently live in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, but are called to Wales to help usher in revival.