On Asking God for Wisdom: Are You Praying or Ruminating?

God wants to direct your steps and help you to follow Him.

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Do you ever feel afraid of making the wrong decision and messing up your life?  Maybe you need to choose between two jobs, two future spouses, or two different houses.  You might be deliberating over whether to serve in full-time vocational ministry overseas or get a standard nine-to-five job in your hometown.  In your uncertainty, you’re afraid you’re going to choose incorrectly and derail your life.  You know you should be asking God for wisdom, but for the most part, heaven seems silent.

I can relate.

A few years ago, I was desperate for wisdom and direction from God.  I wasn’t sure whether to continue fervently pursuing my writing career or slow my writing and consider the possibility of having a third child.  I reached out to a mentor and asked for advice.  Secretly, I hoped she would tell me exactly what I was supposed to do.  Instead, she encouraged me to draw close to God and roll the weight of the heavy decision onto him.

I was disappointed she didn’t tell me what I should do next, but I took her advice.  I sought God’s heart on the matter.  Much to my surprise, I felt led to pursue both writing and pregnancy—all while trusting in God’s perfect timing.


Are You Really Asking God for Wisdom—or Are You Ruminating?

All too often, I get stuck in my head, obsess over decisions, and call it prayer.  In reality, I’m ruminating—not praying.  At some point in your life, you’ve probably ruminated over a heavy decision and spent days analyzing your options.  You might have told yourself you were praying about it; however, you were mostly just worrying about it.

Meanwhile, God wants us to turn to him for wisdom.  Ruminating is not the same as asking God for wisdom.

Scripture tells us to directly ask God for wisdom: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5 NIV).


Have You Actually Asked God?

Have you directly approached God and asked for wisdom regarding your current decisions?  God wants you to draw near to him in prayer and ask for wisdom through the power of the Holy Spirit.  He has also given you the Bible as a source of wisdom and direction.  More mature believers are excellent sources of wisdom as well.  But don’t be disappointed if these friends point you back to Jesus instead of offering direct answers.

God wants to direct your steps and help you follow him.  He is also capable of putting you on the right path when you lose your way.  Ask God for wisdom, and he promises to provide it.

When I catch myself ruminating, I try to slip away to a quiet place and pour my heart out to God.  I let him hear everything I’m thinking, and then I ask for his wisdom.  Often, God gives me a deep sense of “knowing” which decision to pursue or shows me a step I need to take.  I often sense him leading me to stop stewing and ruminating over a decision, make up my mind, and leave the situation alone.  Every time this happens, he replaces worry with peace. 

Do you need God’s wisdom for any decisions you are currently trying to make?  Have you directly asked him for wisdom?

He is waiting to give you wisdom.


Your Invitation to Ask God for Wisdom:

Set aside a few minutes and ask God for wisdom on a matter that is important to you.

God’s wisdom always aligns with Scripture.

As you make your decision, find at least three Bible passages that confirm your decision.  When we spend in God’s Word, God renews our minds, and our wisdom grows.

Ask God to give you a deep sense of “knowing” which decision to make, and then stick with your choice.  Set a boundary in your mind and refuse to ruminate over the options once the decision is made.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Stacey Pardoe

Featured Image by Gregor Mima from Pixabay

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About the Author

Stacey Pardoe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor. Stacey's hope is that her words will inspire you to seek God in the midst of your ordinary moments and encounter his love in deeper ways.

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