Stacey Pardoe

What is My Calling From God?

I’ve learned that giving new endeavors time helps me determine whether I was sensing God’s direction or feeling only human excitement. 

How Does God See Me?

God takes great delight in you, and like a mother rocking her child to sleep, he rejoices over you with singing.

Is God Angry With Me?

The same God who searches for ways to allure us from our sin is faithful to fight for us in every circumstance. 

5 Bible Verses About God’s Faithfulness in Life’s Storms

The other night, a storm rained itself empty like it was working something out.  Sometimes life is kind of like this—you wrestle with God until you’re spent and poured out.  The aftermath might look like everything thirsty has been watered, or it might look like the carnage after a tempest unfurls in anger. We’ve wrestled […]