Not An Orphan

Tell it to my soul and I’ll tell it to the world…I’m not an orphan anymore.

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I am finally sharing one of my new hammered dulcimer songs. I am still learning as I’ve only been playing since November, but it’s super fun! It’s kind of crazy to play piano at the same time, but I am getting the hang of it slowly.

I have written this song, Not An Orphan, over and over, but I think I finally like it.


When you found me there, I was left for dead,

Alone and abandoned,
But you cried out to me, “Live!”
You bent down, and you gave to me a promise, a destiny,
Can you say it again? Can you say it…

Tell it to my soul, and I’ll tell it to the world,
I’m not an orphan anymore.
I’m not an orphan anymore.

I was numb to anything that looked like love but would end in pain,
‘Til your love changed everything.
And now I’m coming to believe,
That you are mine and you’ll always be,
Can you say it again? Can you say it…

Believe it, oh, my soul,
You are not alone- you were never alone.

This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Kate Hurley – YouTube

Featured Image by Derick McKinney on Unsplash

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About the Author

A Kingdom creative.

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