Nobody To Somebody

You are no longer just a person in this world, but a child of God, an important person in God’s eternal kingdom.

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who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. 1 Peter 2:10

Very few people are extremely well known by the majority of people of the world. The average person is only known by a very small circle of friends, co-workers, and a small local community. Outside of their immediate circle people are often unknown. Many have dreams of becoming someone who is important and famous through many different methods. Yet most will remain unknown and average.

Peter talks about how the people were not anyone important but are now the people of God. They had not received any mercy, but now have His mercy.

Being important and famous is the focus of the world. Some will have that status because of their family line, being born into a well-known family brings automatic recognition for a time. The majority of people have to work at becoming someone who is known, with very few ever attaining that status in life.

Children, who are orphans and unknown, are sometimes adopted into families who everyone knows. Upon the adoption, they gain a family name and namesake, people begin to really know who they are.

Every person who does not know Jesus is like the orphans, they are unknown and have no namesake to hold on to. They are subject to others with very few to stand up for them, protect them, and take care of them.

Upon believing in Jesus, God shows His mercy to them, forgiving them and adopting them into His family through the blood of Jesus upon the cross. They become the people of God, known by the Creator of the universe. They go from being a nobody to being a somebody in God’s family.

In this life, there are some people who may know you, but the majority of people of the world do not know you at all. Where you live, you may be someone important, but in light of the universe, you are not much.

As a believer, that changes everything. You are now a child of God, part of His people. His mercy, through the work of Jesus, removes His judgment and adopts you into His family. You are no longer just a person in this world, but a child of God, an important person in God’s eternal kingdom. You went from a nobody to a somebody.

Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will know who you are in Christ Jesus; that you will know you belong in God’s family; that you will know God knows you by name; and that you are someone in God’s kingdom.

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This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom


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About the Author

Tom Arn is happily married for 30 years to his wonderful wife Cammie. They are blessed by God with eight wonderful children and one grandchild. Tom has worked as a children’s pastor, senior pastor, and many times (and currently) as a Sunday School Teacher. He has a General Ministries degree with a Bible College. He started doing a short devotional type Bible study on Facebook in 2014, going through the books of the Bible chapter by chapter, section by section. Tom writes what he feels God is placing on his heart.

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