In the last few years, we have been learning just how much God’s enemies have lied to us about our government, our history, our education, our medicines, and even our food sources. We have had to face the reality that we’ve been slowly poisoned, not only in our minds and psyches through brainwashing and controlling narratives, but through most everything we’ve been told to put in our bodies – supposedly for our “good.”
This may sound exaggerated, and yet the physical toll on millions of people due to these deceptive agendas is undeniable. People are sick and dying as a result of corrupted systems and God is showing us there’s a way to defeat and overcome the enemy’s plans for our destruction. I just posted a video (link below) where I share what the Lord has taught me this past year about this unique warfare, which is both spiritual and natural. Because we are composed of spirit, soul, mind, and body, we must learn how to war on all those fronts.
Prayer alone is not enough to combat the insidious weapons that have been used against us in recent years. We must become more informed and proactive as we learn to war differently and more strategically.
I believe in divine healing, but even more in divine health. This means that our physical, emotional, and mental well-being are not dependent on prayer alone. Our overall well-being also includes healthy living and informed practices. God is revealing more and more of His provision for healing and overcoming sickness – if we simply take the time to look and learn. But we must rightly “discern the body.”
Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.
We have been instructed to examine ourselves before we appropriate the blood of Jesus. This means we need an honest assessment of our current condition. This doesn’t just apply to internal sins of offense, unforgiveness, or immoral practices. I believe it can also apply to our physical well-being. Scripture states that many are sick and dying because they do not rightly discern – examine – the body.
I believe we need to be asking more questions before presuming we need more prayer. We need to make sure we have assessed our true condition before applying the particular treatment that God has in mind. This has both spiritual application as well as physical. Certainly, the blood of Jesus is powerful and complete. But there is a part we also play in our long-term health. It is to this end that I share some spiritual insights along with some very practical information to arm you with more tools for your own warfare.
We need to take responsibility for our physical health and take a good look at our lifestyle and health practices. We need to consider root causes before just treating the symptoms. And we need to rightly judge what we are feeding on – literally. This will not only impact our own health and well-being but will aid in our effectiveness when praying for others and supporting those who are battling sickness and disease.
Please take the time to watch and consider the various resources I suggest for further study and research. It’s time we upgrade our warfare practices to include all aspects of our well-being. God desires to use us as conduits of His supernatural workings on the earth, but He needs our cooperation. We need to address our wholeness of spirit, soul, mind, and body if we are to receive the full healing that God intends. I pray you are encouraged and empowered in new ways, not only for your own health but for those you minister to and pray for.
*In the video descriptions are numerous links to websites and resources for further study, prayer, and research.
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