Need an Answer

Jesus is trying to get us alone with Him.

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Trying times bring difficult questions. It can seem that life is a riddle. Or, better yet, a parable. As Christians, we often encourage each other by reminding ourselves that we are not alone. We take comfort from being with others even if others don’t have the answers. We lean on the arm of the flesh instead of relying on Jesus. The irony is that many times Jesus is trying to do precisely that. He is trying to get us alone with him. Why?

The first part of Mark 4:34 says, “But without a parable, he did not speak to them.” Sound familiar? But look at the second half. “and when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples.” Can you see why there is a constant assault on your personal time with the Lord? The enemy of your soul knows where you can find your answer. He doesn’t have to use an elaborate plan to keep you in distress. He simply keeps you busy.

Right about the time you will sit down and read your bible, you remember fifteen things that need to be done. Or the phone rings. And rather than let it go to voicemail, you pick up the call. Had you not picked up your bible or sat to pray, that same to-do list would carry no urgency. You fall into the Martha/Mary syndrome of busyness over sitting with Jesus. Martha desperately wanted help which she thought should come from Mary. Mary, however, found help not from Martha but from Jesus.

Today is a reminder of what Jesus said to Martha in the busyness of the day. “But one thing is necessary, only one; for Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42.

If you need answers today, don’t allow the comfort of people and busyness to rob you of the answers you desperately need. Pull away and make the time to be alone with Him. And what you receive can never be taken from you.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Jaime Luce

Featured Image by Erika Varga from Pixabay 

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About the Author

Jaime Luce is a sought-after author, speaker, blogger, podcaster, and monthly Charisma Magazine contributor. Over the past two decades, Jaime has served as a leadership and development pastor, teacher, and blogger. She is a team-building and personal growth specialist. Her goal in every mode of ministry has been to empower others to discover the truth of who they are, while also equipping them to tap into God’s abundant blessings.

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