Nazarites Arise

If you will turn from your compromise and throw off the shame of your past, God will renew the Nazarite anointing on your life!

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I recently had a prophetic dream that was very powerful and about something very important and special to me. Over the last 25 years, in my walk with the Lord and in ministry, one of my favorite things to talk about and teach on is the Nazarites. The Nazarites in the Bible were men who set themselves completely apart to be used mightily by God. The Nazarite Vow in Numbers 6 is made up of several different things. But those who chose to become Nazarites would not cut their hair which made them easy to spot because of their long hair.

The prophetic dream I had recently was about the rise of Nazarites in this hour. In the dream, I was in a public place with my wife and our three children. We were sitting and talking as a family when my two daughters started laughing. I gave them a questioning look, and they offered me one of their black hair bands that is used to pull back your hair. I said, “No. Why would I need one of those?” And they told me to look in a mirror. I turned in the dream and looked into a mirror and saw that my hair was long and still visibly growing. I then looked around me and saw that many of the people around us had long hair that was also still growing rapidly. Then they began to do different things. A few flexed their muscles as if they had just received supernatural strength. Several began to stand up and make declarations, saying things like, “Now is the time that I’m going to do what I am called to do.” Then several others cried out, “The Nazarites are here! The Nazarites are ready!” After I woke up from the dream, I knew exactly what the Lord was saying in the dream and believe that it is a strong prophetic word for this hour. I believe this is a season in which the Nazarites must arise!

If you know anything about the Nazarites in scripture, you know that when Israel was in moral decay or decline, God would always raise up Nazarites in that hour to turn the nation back to Him. One of the most well-known Nazarites in the Old Testament is, of course, Samson. Samson did great exploits for God but fell into compromise. He ended up with his hair cut off, blind, and enslaved by the enemies of Israel. However, Judges 16:22 says that Samson’s hair began to grow again. The implication in this scripture is that the Lord was renewing that Nazarite calling that had previously been upon Samson. Then Samson eventually destroyed the Philistines and fulfilled the destiny God has set Him apart for since the beginning. Just like Samson, I believe God is raising up those in this hour that may feel as if they have been disqualified. If you will turn from your compromise and throw off the shame of your past, God will renew the Nazarite anointing on your life! This is the hour for the Nazarites to arise.

I believe that this is a season where the Lord is raising up many in America and all the nations of the world. I believe we are about to see the seven different mountains of influence infiltrated by the Nazarites! Those who will not bow their knees to the spirit of this age, those who will stand up for God and for the Kingdom, are about to be used mightily by God in every area of society and culture. We will see America turn back to God, and the Nazarites arise in the earth in our hour! Now is the time for you to go all in on what God has called you to do. Now is the time for you to recommit to the consecration you once had, and your strength will be renewed. 

There was a woman named Deborah in scripture that was a Nazarite. Her son was off at war and reports came back that he had been surrounded and killed by the enemy army. She refused to accept this and she called the Nazarites forth. These long-haired champions went into battle and brought back her son. The long-haired champions of God are about to step on the scene and we will see the greatest move of God the world has ever seen. Many unknown sons and daughters of God will soon be elevated in order to advance the Kingdom of God. Even though the world does not know their names, Heaven does! God is calling the Nazarites to arise in this hour! Will you answer the call?


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About the Author

Joe Joe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every individual to experience personal revival. God is calling us as believers to a greater depth of intimacy with Him, and Joe's passion is to see that reached.

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