Recently, I heard the Lord say, “VISION, VISION, VISION, I AM RESTORING VISION.” And when the Lord spoke those words there was a thundering and an imminency in the atmosphere. It was not something that was coming, it was something that was ‘upon us’.
As I continued to lean in and listen to the Lord’s heart, I heard the Lord say, “Things are about to get clearer than they have ever been, what the enemy has been trying to hide is about to be seen.” The words then surrounded me, ‘hidden in plain sight.’ The sense surrounded me so strongly that what the enemy has tried so hard to try and stop many from seeing is about to be seen clearer than ever: and a greater revelation of what the Lord has been saying all along is about to come into VERY clear focus.
As I continued to lean in and listen to the Lord’s heart, I heard:
“Many have felt like the battle over vision has plagued them for many years. There have been many who have been wearied by the warfare over vision, and the confusion that has come over and over again to steal clarity has left many feeling despondent and disillusioned. But I say unto you, that I am restoring vision right now and I am restoring vision quickly: and I am not only restoring the vision that I have spoken to you, I am thundering the testimony of two or three witnesses to bring forth its confirmation.
I say unto you, that confusion is NOT from Me and I am dealing with confusion in the lives of so many of My people. You have now entered a moment in time where you will not see confusion in every direction, you will see CONFIRMATION in every direction.
I say unto you, that the vision is being made plainer than it has ever been: and where confusion has attempted to steal the vision from you, I am concreting the vision within you so deeply. I am solidifying and fortifying the vision that I have given you so strongly that you will move forward in this hour CERTAIN of that which I am speaking. I say unto you, that where the enemy has attempted to bring confusion to the vision and separation from the vision that I have been speaking and have spoken, I am now bringing forth COLLECTIVES in the earth.
There is and will continue to be, with great increase, a GATHERING to the vision that I am releasing and restoring in your midst. Watch how I am drawing people in oneness around the visions that I am releasing: to move together in one heart, one mind, and one accord in the visions that I am restoring. Where many of you have felt like you have been in isolation warring for the vision I have given you, I have been and am continuing in mighty increase, bringing community and unity in visions I am restoring.
My people, I am restoring the vision, I am restoring the vision, I am restoring the vision and the restoration of the vision is coming with greater increase. I say unto you, that as I restore the vision, pay attention to the changes that I am making. For in the restoration of the vision I am bringing forth new strategies, and with the new strategies that I am releasing, My wisdom is making room for greater expanse and a move of My Spirit in your midst than you have ever dreamt of.
I say unto you that you must pay attention and act SWIFTLY IN THE STRATEGIES I am giving you. Put not my strategies through the filter of your minds to try and understand the changes that I have made within the vision or the new strategies that I am bringing forth, for I am building bigger than you previously thought or ever thought.”
Again I heard the Lord repeat Himself:
There was such a strong sense of acting swiftly upon the wisdom and strategies of the Lord within the visions that He is restoring. There was a strong call to obey swiftly and obey fully. I knew in that moment that those who act swiftly upon the word of the Lord and move at His command, even when they don’t understand the changes that He is making within the outworking and building of the vision, the move of God that they will host in their midst will be unlike anything they have ever seen before. (Ephesians 3:20)
I then heard the Lord say:
“This time it will be different. For many, there has been such warfare and such discouragement and disappointment that has come within many of the visions that I had given unto you. The enemy came hard after you to discourage you at every turn, but I say unto you, this time it will be different. Where many of you felt like you were living as victims in the vision because of what you endured after receiving the vision, I say unto you, that this time you will know what it is like to live as a VICTOR in Me within the vision and there will be great JOY. This time, YOU OCCUPY!”
The Lord continued to repeat that phrase over and over, “This time, YOU OCCUPY.”
The sense surrounded me so strongly that many, in the first release of the vision to them from the Lord, there was such a fight to MAINTAIN the vision. The fight was so strong to even hold the vision, but now, there is a cementing, a concreting, and an establishing of the vision so deeply rooted within many, that now the OCCUPYING BEGINS.
I then heard the Lord say:
“Hunker down in the vision. Hunker down in the vision. This is a time to not allow distraction to take your eyes off the vision that I have given you. For I am calling you into deeper singular focus upon Me and what I have called you to do. This is not the hour to have your hands to many things, but to put your hands faithfully to the vision that I have given you. The enemy is attempting to lure many into a place of BUSYNESS IN BUILDING and cause them to live so deeply distracted building things that I am not building. I say unto you, this is a time to hunker down in the vision.
This is a time to draw close to Me and allow Me to teach you and disciple you in how to occupy within the vision I have given you. For many, you may feel hidden, but in the hidden place, I am birthing and blossoming forth a move of My Spirit and fruitfulness like you have never seen. I am not looking for those who will PARADE the visions I am releasing, I am looking for those who will be FAITHFUL to the visions that I am restoring and releasing.”
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Lana Vawser Ministries.
Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay