Lana Vawser: I Heard the Lord Say “Don’t Stop at the Gate”

I am strengthening you to stand in Me and stand in MY INSIGHT for the days ahead.

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Recently, I heard the Lord say, “Don’t stop at the gate,” and immediately I knew He was speaking about a threshold. He began to show me so many that are facing increased warfare in this hour, and have been feeling quite discouraged over the battle.

As I leaned in and listened, I heard the Lord say:

“Don’t stop at the gate. Keep moving. Push. Don’t stop at the gate — that’s the intent of the enemy to keep you from entering the gate. I am bringing you into a new land and you must continue to move. I am mobilizing you and moving you forward in great momentum, and the enemy is coming after your momentum and your movement. For I say unto you that you will not miscarry that which I have promised you.

You must continue to build your faith in this hour. You must encourage yourself in Me and feast upon our history. You must feast upon My faithfulness, for I am taking you into a wide open space of movement. There is a greater expanse of what I am bringing you into in this hour, where you will begin to move with Me in multiple streams in greater ways. For the pressing at the gate is because of the movement and the streams of My Spirit that I will have you move in: some new and unfamiliar and in others I am increasing the momentum, but you MUST NOT STOP.

Listen to Me, My people, intimidation is standing at the gate, but you are about to INHERIT. Do not stop, keep moving. Eyes on Me and focused upon what I am saying to you. For many of you have been concerned about overspiritualising things, and are trying to battle the battle at the gate in the natural realm: but it is not flesh and blood that you are fighting against, My people.

It’s time to stand and to stand strong in My Word, and allow My fire to baptize you afresh with a roar of no toleration. The pressing is coming hard against you, but push deeper and harder into Me and My Word, and know that you are moving into a place of faith and strength in Me — in the overcoming that is going to equip and arm you for the days ahead.

My people, I say unto you, be quiet at the gate. Listen and listen well at the gate as you move through, for I am arming you with strength and strategy as you move through the gate to fight the giants in the new land. For distraction is coming hard against you at the gate to attempt to fill your head with noise and chatter, so you will not hear My Word, but I say unto you: bind the spirit of chaos that is attempting to come and steal the quiet space from you to hear and listen to My Word and to My strategy that I am arming you with.

For there is great wisdom that I am releasing to you in this hour, and you must be still and listen. You must be still to know that I am God: and as you are still, you will SEE that I am God. You will see in a greater way the power of My Spirit bringing you deeper into wisdom for the days ahead.

For no longer will your life be marked with confusion and heaviness, fogginess, and lack of clarity. But I am giving you the tools — the strategies, and the divine intel in intercession, as you move through the gate and do not stop — that is not only arming you in the days ahead but placing tools in your hands to know how to build with Me in a new land.

My people, I am increasing the watchman anointing in this hour. I am increasing revelation of seeing what is ahead, what I am doing, and giving you insight into the enemy’s plans to plunder and overturn. I say unto you, many of you who are finding battle at the gate, you are watchmen, and you are those that I am bringing to a higher place to watch over gates of nations.

I am calling you to watch over nations in a greater way and to mobilize My army to pray, intercede, and prepare — releasing My heart and My prophetic solutions and strategies. I say unto you PRAY in the Spirit and PUSH back against this intimidation and battle at the gate that is attempting to hinder you. For in the PUSH, I am birthing ENDURANCE within you. For in the PUSH, I am bringing forth a strength within you, and a fortifying in your spiritual sight and discernment that is making room for you to govern the gates of nations in a greater way.

Listen to what I am saying, do not be distracted by the noise at the gate, for the enemy is after your EYES. Give your eyes ONLY to Me and to My Word, and My Rhema word and divine insight that I am releasing. There is a battle over your eye gates, there is a battle over the gate of your heart: and I say unto you, STAND FIRM upon My Word and saturate yourself in My presence through prayer and meditation upon My Word.

NOW is the time for you to stand like never before, and KNOW that as you stand and take a stand against the enemy’s attacks (Ephesians 6) I am strengthening you to stand in Me and stand in MY INSIGHT for the days ahead. I am calling you higher, I am bringing you deeper into the revelation of your authority, and this is the hour where you are going to learn in an accelerated and greater way, what it looks like to govern with Me as a watchman.

My people, watch your words at the gate. Allow MY WORD and MY RHEMA WORD to you to CARRY YOU through the gate, and walk upon My Word as you move through the gate. For many of you are giving your tongue to careless words as you have stopped at the gate — looking at the turbulence and warfare and battle surrounding you — but I say unto you SPEAK AND DECLARE YOUR WAY THROUGH! Watch your words and speak only that which I am speaking: and know that as you speak your way through, My Spirit is paving the way for a new day that you are moving into with Me.

Watch My voice, through you, go forth like lightning in this hour to ignite and to break open releasing My power into the areas that I am calling you to govern in, on the other side of this gate. My people, don’t stop at the gate: SPEAK YOUR WAY THROUGH and walk by FAITH and NOT by sight. An increase of spiritual insight and vision awaits you on the other side of the gate, if you will not stop and if you will allow My Spirit to lead you and teach you in greater ways how to live from your seat (Ephesians 2:6). ARISE OVERCOMER! You are the head and not the tail! ARISE!!!”

Purchase Lana’s book A Time to Selah: God’s Prophetic Invitation for you to Step Out of Crisis and Enter Into His Perfect Peace here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Lana Vawser Ministries.

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About the Author

Lana Vawser is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and founder of Lana Vawser Ministries. She is a gifted prophet and teacher and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.