Moses said to the people, “remember this day in which you went out from Egypt, from the house of slavery, for by a powerful hand the LORD brought you out from this place…”
I regularly visit an Artisan market where there are vendors selling home-produced crafts and food. I particularly love the homemade preserves and cheeses, knowing that the product is made by hand. This is a small corner of the love for handmade products in this world rather than factory-made ones. It was the personal touch by God in today’s verse that made me think, trying to visualize the hands of God at work amongst men!
God is personally involved in the redemption of His children in the Bible and also in our lives today. It is the choice of a compassionate God who could send any number of angels to do His work. He secures the freedom of His children enslaved in Israel (Exodus 3:20, 7:4-5). The hands of God do more than redeem His people; they identify Him to those in the world who don’t know Him, the Egyptians in our text. The “hand” in our verse is an open hand, using His power, means, and direction. It is the same hand He uses today.
Dear Reader, the hands of God are never idle – they have always been busy in the care of His children. Those hands were stretched out and nailed on a Roman cross at Calvary; to redeem us from the slavery of sin. Glory to God; death could not hold His Son, our Lord, and Saviour. His hands are still outstretched today, embracing us and caring for our needs
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Devotional Treasures
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About the Author
Devotional Treasures is a daily source of Biblical posts on various sources; they are free to all. These are written by me, Alan Kearns, and are inspired by my own private reading/study of God's Word.
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