Recently, I heard the Lord say, “Here come the unrestrained voices of My daughters.” I began to see daughters of God all over the body of Christ and they were in a place of such deep birthing and I knew the Lord was birthing their unrestrained voices in this hour.
As this birthing was taking place, I noticed what was happening was a deep, deep deliverance from expectation of what their voice should look like and what it should ‘sound’ like. A deep, deep deliverance from fear and the fear of man, and a mighty awakening and activating of their AUTHENTIC voices.
I watched as the Spirit of God moved rapidly through the body of Christ like fire and He was burning and consuming and activating and awakening in such accelerated ways. I watched as years upon years, as many of these beautiful daughters who had their voices shut down or silenced, were now suddenly being delivered and set free: and a beautiful humble confidence being restored within them — of His voice through them.
I also noticed that these precious daughters who had experienced having their voice shut down, for many different reasons, had broken and clipped wings. As the Lord was restoring their voices I saw their wings being healed. I then heard the Lord say, “It’s time to ARISE AND FLY. It’s time to ARISE AND FLY.”
There was not only an acceleration taking place in the restoration of their voices, there was an awakening to their authority in Christ like never before. I watched as what looked like a huge waterfall of fire poured over each precious daughter of God: and it was igniting a roar and a conviction within them that roared, “I will NO LONGER BE SILENT.” These beautiful daughters of God were being baptized in boldness. No longer were they shying away, they were arising in His boldness.
I heard the Lord say, “Look at the unrestrained voices of My daughters arising up out of the wilderness, leaning upon Me. Look at their unrestrained voices. No longer contained by fear, insecurity, guilt, shame, condemnation, and the fear of man. Here they come arising up out of the wilderness NOW, and they are being called for.”
I suddenly began to hear a trumpet being sounded so loudly. It was the call of the Lord as He gathered His daughters as a mighty army in this hour: to raise their voices at His leading and direction to release that which He is speaking.
He continued to speak, “You will be called upon. You will be called upon to arise and speak and step forward in boldness into all I am calling you into. You must arise and step out and speak where I am calling you to speak, knowing that I am filling your mouth. Know that I am releasing a roar through My daughters in this hour that is going to see My Spirit shake, rattle, and roll through you, My daughters.”
The Lord also showed me that there were many daughters of God in the Body of Christ who are called to be watchmen, and have been through significant attacks in the last few years and have shut down and pulled back from speaking and releasing that which they have been seeing. I saw the fire of God coming upon these beautiful daughters and there was a mighty healing and restoration taking place in their lives. I heard the Lord say, “Take your positions again. I am increasing your vision. I am expanding your vision to see and to release. I am leading you, guiding you, and directing you: and you will stand in Me stronger than ever as you continue to live deeply in the secret place. No longer will your sight and your sound be shut down, I am restoring you. Arise and stand on the wall again. Arise and take your place on the wall again.”
The Lord continued to speak, “Many of My daughters have been assaulted by a spirit of confusion in this hour, and I am delivering them by My powerful hand and I am lifting them up to a higher vantage point to see as I see. The enemy has come hard after these ones with this tormenting spirit of confusion because I am positioning them in this hour into a place of such divine intel and insight for intercession and direction that the enemy has fought hard to shut them down. But I say unto you, My precious daughters, I am delivering you from that confusion in this hour, and I am raising you up in discernment in a way you have never experienced before. Those of you who have been so assaulted and felt so bound by this spirit of confusion, BE LOOSED!
Watch as I even begin to birth mighty moves of deliverance through you in this hour. There are movements of deliverance by My mighty hand that I am going to release through you. For I will give you deep insight and wisdom in stewarding this discernment and I will send you forth to drive the enemy out and to see what is of Me and what is not of Me. I am going to release to you such divine insight and discernment: bathed in My love, rooted in My Word, and led by My wisdom. The enemy has tried so hard to keep you down and keep you bound, but this is your time to ARISE AND SEE the powerful works of deliverance that I will bring through your life and intercession.
As I raise you up in this hour and I send you forth with new assignments and unrestrained voices, stay close to My heart. For there will be opportunities that come, which may glitter and look like gold, but they are not My assignment for you in this hour. You MUST stay in your lane and all I have called you to. When words come and pressures come to align in other assignments, you must remain steadfast with what I have called you to do. It is imperative in this hour, more than ever before, that you listen to where I am leading you and where I am guiding you and not be quick to run into things. Do not be carried away by excitement and zeal: be led by My Spirit and allow Me to guide you.
Be prayerful in all things. For as you continue to remain in your lane and where I have called you to release your voice and how I have called you to release your voice, you shall see great favor fall upon all I call you to put your hands to. I will strengthen you to go against the grain and against the crowd when I call you further into the new things that I have for you. Be not afraid and concerned by the chatter of man, but know that I am baptizing you in boldness: and as you follow Me in complete obedience in the unchartered territories I am leading you into, you are breaking ground and paving way for MY GLORY to come.”
Lastly, I saw many daughters all across the earth carrying a deep, deep groan of intercession for the return of the fear of the Lord. I was watching the groans within them so deep as the Spirit of God prayed through them, and I heard the Lord say, “It’s about to increase. The groan for the restoration of awe and wonder of who I am, and reverence for Me and My name, is about to increase dramatically. As it increases, lean into it, do not run from it. Lean deeply into it, for I am coming in great shaking and majesty to My Church in this hour: to restore the awe, restore the roar of My Church, and make room for My power. As this groan increases and it causes you to be in intercession for days, for weeks — in deeper ways than you have ever known — the groan will cause many of you to have to change your schedules, at My leading, to lean into the deeper groan of intercession.
Lean into it, lean into it, lean into it, I am moving mightily and making room for the shaking and the divine rearranging. There are encounters that will take place in this place of intercession that will far surpass what many of you have experienced before; that will last for longer than you have ever experienced; that as you intercede, I will begin to reveal and release greater insight and heavenly vision unto you of what is to come, and My heart for the restoration of awe of who I am and My majesty in the Church.”
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Lana Vawser Ministries.
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