I Came for You

God came for you, You are good enough, you are wanted, cared for, important to Him, and you never have to earn your Savior’s love.

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It was Christmas Eve, and I sat in my car, alone in the parking lot of the park I had come accustomed to visiting when I had nowhere else to go. I watched the house on the other side of the street that had caught my eye.  The house was lit with Christmas lights, and I watched people through the window as they talked, laughed, and enjoyed their Christmas Eve together. Although I didn’t know them, the sight of a happy family enjoying their Christmas Eve triggered the pain of rejection inside of me, which I had faced a lot of that year. Tears started to slide down my face, and soon I couldn’t control them.  Earlier that year, I was forced to leave my childhood home and figure out a way to provide for myself. I was 18 years old without a career or a college degree. Because of this experience, rejection became significantly felt and known in my life. Rejection told me I wasn’t good enough, no one wanted me, no one cared, and I wasn’t important. Sitting alone in my car the night before Christmas, I believed it.

As I sat there and sobbed, I felt a peace sweep over me that I hadn’t felt much of in my life. I took a few breaths to calm myself, and I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “I came for you.”

As I pondered what I had just heard, I pictured Jesus in my mind, coming down from heaven and being born to save me and be with me. I then became aware of what He was saying to me on that Christmas Eve. God sent His son Jesus to rescue me and be with me. I wasn’t rejected by him. Instead, he accepted me the way I was. Contrary to what rejection told me, I actually was good enough, wanted, cared for, important to Him, and that’s all that really mattered.

The way I spend Christmas Eve has drastically changed since that year, and I’m thankful for that. I am also grateful for the year I sat alone in my car because the encounter I had with God changed my life.

The message God gave us thousands of years ago still applies today. His Word records, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23 NIV). Jesus came for all of us to save us, help us, be with us, and bring light into the dark places of our souls. He came to bring peace to our hearts when we are in a desperate position. He came to counsel us when we are triggered by emotional pain. He is a Wonderful Counselor, a Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6 NIV “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

My friend, if you find yourself alone on this Christmas Eve night, please know that you are absolutely not alone. Maybe you’ve experienced rejection as I did. Perhaps you’ve believed the lie that you aren’t good enough, that no one wants you, no one cares, and you’re not important. Please allow me to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth. God came for you, He is with you, and He loves you. You are good enough, you are wanted, cared for, important to Him, and you never have to earn your Savior’s love.

How does it make you feel knowing Jesus came for you personally to restore your peace?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son. Lord Jesus, thank You for coming for me. Holy Spirit, I invite You to bring Your light, Your peace, Your counsel, and Your love to the pieces of my heart that are hurting right now. Amen.


Featured Image by floyd99 from Pixabay

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About the Author

Brandie Muncaster is a wife and mother who possesses a passion for God’s Word, praying for people, and seeing God transform people’s lives through inner healing. As someone who has known the powerful transforming work of God in her own life, it is her passion to see others experience the same! Brandie and her husband have been married for over a decade, and they have three young children. Their most favorite past times are playing sports, and spending time outdoors either at the beach or in the mountains. The Muncaster family happily resides in the Charlotte, NC area.

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