Hope for the Lost in ‘Echoes of His Heart’

What is written in Echoes of His Heart is exactly that: Holy-Spirit-inspired works that she wants to share with the world.

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When you think of poetry, do you think of William Shakespeare? Or maybe Emily Dickinson? You may think about the Old English language or very tight rhyme schemes. When Debbie Andrews Smith thinks of poetry, she thinks more of ‘Floetry.’ This is the term she uses to describe “the Holy Spirit flowing and working within [her], which in turn, flows from [her] heart and soul to another.” What is written in Echoes of His Heart is exactly that: Holy-Spirit-inspired works that she wants to share with the world.

Something unique about Smith’s writing is her ability to project so many thoughts in such a concise way. Each of her poems is fitted to one page, and this includes correlating Scripture for further reflection. I was able to study the verses she chose and see the context of them in relation to the poems. This made reading the book more powerful. Echoes of His Heart is a great companion tool to add to anyone’s daily devotion time. It pulls the reader deeper into the Word of God and brings to life the Christian journey in a fresh way.

Smith’s heart for people to turn toward the Lord and His light is almost tangible throughout every page. She exalts God and His name no matter the circumstance from which she’s writing. I could sense her yearning as she invites people to accept the Father who waits with open arms to all who run to Him. Her compassion for people turns this book into one that I imagine being shared in doctor’s offices, prisons, and other places where there are sick, broken, and lonely people—a goal that Smith herself wants to see manifest.

Please enjoy my favorite poem from Echoes of His Heart:

I Pledge Allegiance


I pledge allegiance to the One
who was, and is, and is to come
To Him who is and will always be
Jesus, the Christ, the King of Kings

The Light of the World, the Great I Am
The Prince of Peace, Sacrificial Lamb
The Good Shepherd, the One True Vine
The Living Water, the Bread of Life

He heals, loves, guides, and protects
Disciplines, forgives, fills, and accepts
He hears and speaks and knows my name
It’s through Him alone that I am saved

He healed the deaf, the mute, the blind
Walked on water and turned water into wine
He drove out demons and raised the dead
He fed multitudes with a few loaves of bread

The winds and waves obey His command
All authority was His before time began
I pledge allegiance to the Great I Am,
as He is the rock on which I stand

My Salvation, Defender, Refuge, and King
My Comfort and Shelter, my Protector and Peace
My Provider and Healer, my Counselor and Friend
My present, my future, my beginning, my end!

Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. Hebrews 13:15


If you would like more information about the author or want to purchase the book, click here.

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About the Author

Becca is a gentle soul who seeks the best in the world and in others. She is easily touched by the beauty of books, music, and art. Though she aspires to write as eloquently as Emily Dickinson or Lang Leav, she hopes to make her own mark on the world one day. She dreams of leaving behind a voice that sparks creativity, imagination, hope, love, joy, and faith.

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