Healing is Available

Before running to the doctor to seek healing or relief, begin with putting your trust in God.

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Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and He healed them. Matthew 15:30

Everywhere one goes there is sickness, injuries, deformities, and many other things that are not normal for the body. Doctor’s offices and hospitals are filled on a daily basis with people seeking some type of healing from what is wrong. And just as many that are in the doctor’s office and hospital, there are just as many that cannot afford to go with the same problems.

Matthew records that as Jesus sat on a hillside thousands of people came to Him bringing people who were lame, blind, mute, and other ailments, and each one He healed.

People are quick to go to doctors or try over-the-counter medicines for healing. Others will just live with their ailments and suffer through them, having no hope or trust in others. Thousands of methods are available to ‘cure’ people of nearly anything they have, though most do not do anything but cover up symptoms.

While people run to doctors and others for help in their sicknesses, very few will run to the One who can heal immediately. Jesus had healed thousands while He walked in Israel nearly two thousand years ago. He is the same yesterday, today, and will be the same tomorrow. He healed back then and will heal today and will continue to heal tomorrow.

Instead of running to a doctor and popping a pill, people need to go to God for healing. This can be for one’s own self or bringing others to Him. Either way, God can bring about a healing that not even doctors can do. One needs to have faith in God, seek Him and His kingdom, and receive what healing is needed.

As a human being, you have had times of sickness and may even be sick today. You may also carry some deformity in your body due to a sickness, injury, or birth defect. Or you know someone who does in any of these areas. Before running to the doctor to seek healing or relief, begin with putting your trust in God. Having faith in God’s love, mercy, and compassion, go to Him for healing. He is the perfect doctor and can do all things needed in the best way possible.

Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will seek God’s healing touch in your life and in the lives of others before going to a doctor; that God will bring a healing touch as needed; and that you will see God do many miracles in your life and those around you.


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This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom


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About the Author

Tom Arn is happily married for 30 years to his wonderful wife Cammie. They are blessed by God with eight wonderful children and one grandchild. Tom has worked as a children’s pastor, senior pastor, and many times (and currently) as a Sunday School Teacher. He has a General Ministries degree with a Bible College. He started doing a short devotional type Bible study on Facebook in 2014, going through the books of the Bible chapter by chapter, section by section. Tom writes what he feels God is placing on his heart.

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