God’s Rod

You were destined to be an instrument of His Authority and Power in the earth, by the working of the Holy Spirit within you.

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While there are many people out there who are familiar with Moses, many people don’t understand that what really happened to him was full of spiritual significance for us as Christians today.

Many who’ve read the stories (or watched the movies) about him, and what happened to Israel when they were in Egypt, can get a general idea, but there’s a lot more there for each of us as Christians in the way of Supernatural Application.

When God called Moses, from the Burning Bush Encounter into His Presence, Moses had a Rod that he used as a Shepherd’s Staff with him.

“And the Lord said to him, What is that in your hand? And he said, A rod.
And He said, Cast it on the ground. And he did so and it became a serpent [the symbol of royal and divine power worn on the crown of the Pharaohs]; and Moses fled from before it.
And the Lord said to Moses, Put forth your hand and take it by the tail. And he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand,” Exodus 4:2-4

While the Rod represents the authority of the one who carries it, it can also represent the nature of its owner, so when Moses throws his Rod upon the ground and it transforms into a snake, he sees what man’s true nature is apart from God.

While Moses’ response to that nature is to run from it, (which is what our response should be as believers [2 Timothy 2:22, John 8:44] in Jesus Christ), God tells Moses to pick it up once more, but he has to do so by the tail.

In the natural realm that’s foolish to do, but in the Spirit realm it has great spiritual significance because now the Rod is reversed (upside-down) and the Rod is now called God’s Rod!

“And Moses took his wife and his sons and set them on donkeys, and he returned to the land of Egypt; AND MOSES TOOK THE ROD OF GOD IN HIS HAND.” Exodus 4:20

A Crucified Life (which is what the Rod really represents) becomes the avenue for God to pour His Power and Authority through! So everywhere that Moses took that Rod and used it, God’s Power and Authority was released.

At the parting of the Red Sea, the Rod was raised (Exodus 14:16), while Israel fought with their enemies. (Exodus 17:9) The Rod was raised even during the very plagues in Egypt the Rod was used to facilitate God’s Authority and Power for Moses and Israel.

Every believer who has been crucified with Christ Jesus is now THE ROD OF GOD IN THE HERE AND NOW! You were destined to be an instrument of His Authority and Power in the earth, by the working of the Holy Spirit within you.

When you say “Yes” to Jesus Christ, you become a Willing Vessel to be filled with His Authority and Covered by His Power (Galatians 2:20), so that wherever He wields your life by His Hands, you can be used to change things Supernaturally in the natural realm, causing His Kingdom to Come and His Will to be done!

You and I are the Revelation of God’s Rod, but this requires total obedience and reliance upon Jesus Christ and the Leading of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is where the Life and Power come from not us. (John 6:63)

The question is whether or not you’ll allow God to Raise you up and whether or not you will be obedient to the leading of Holy Spirit. If you will, then God’s Power and Authority will flow through your life like a River every time you find yourself in His Hands!


Featured Image by Chil Vera from Pixabay

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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