God Promised You a Mountain Not a Tombstone

Never let a wilderness, a valley, or a storm experience convince you to remain in a place God wanted you to travel through.

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Why would you make your home in a graveyard when God promised you a mountain?

I have a word for you today! If you haven’t died in the Wilderness, your hope is still alive and it’s not over. Keep going. You are a Caleb and a Joshua! Calebs and Joshuas do not die in the Wilderness because God promised them mountains, not tombstones.

Joshua and Caleb said: We won’t settle in this Wilderness! God promised us a lot more than this. Let us go up at once and take possession of all God put in our dreams and visions. We have an appetite for milk and honey. With God, we are well able to overcome every obstacle that may get in our way! [Numbers 13:30, 14:6] Joshua and Caleb knew God was calling them onto a mountain and not into a grave. THEY KNEW GOD’S HEART AND SAW THINGS THROUGH HIS EYES! They were keen to keep going.

Hear me today: If you have not yet tasted what God has deposited in your dreams and visions… then this Wilderness is not your home. It’s your journey. It’s the road you need to walk to get to the other side. It’s just a valley between here and there. Nothing more. Don’t stop now. Keep going forward!

A VALLEY IS JUST A PLACE BETWEEN TWO MOUNTAINS. Don’t get stuck there! Even when you walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is still your Shepherd, and you shall still not want for anything! [Psalm 23:4, 1] Valleys can be dark, difficult, dangerous, and hopeless places where seeing the horizon is nearly impossible. It’s easy to get discouraged there. It’s easy to lose focus there. Enemies love to attack and intimidate people in valleys. Fact is, they are part of the landscape and anyone moving forward toward the promises of God will have to walk THROUGH some valleys and over some Wildernesses in their pursuit of milk and honey.

Do not fear! If you find yourself in such a place right now it is good to be reminded – I will fear no evil; for MY GOD is with me! [Psalm 23:4]. I am here on assignment. God sent me and He will never leave me nor forsake me! He is with me!

Someone once said: Mountain tops are where we come to meet God, but it’s in the valleys that God comes to meet us! It is wise to remember that we all have times when we go through a valley filled with shadows of death, but that is it. You’re going through and you’re not moving in. Remind yourself, I am here with God I will fear no evil for MY GOD is with me! [Psalm 23:4]. My Shepherd keeps moving forward and so will I. I will follow Him. I will keep going forward!

Even if a great storm comes upon your ship and you’ve become tired through the night, hold and keep going. Jesus said: “We ARE going to the other side where the promise will be completed!” [Mark 4:35] His word is your guarantee. Have faith and aim for where the promise is.

Jesus did not die in the wilderness because He had a much greater mountain to take! [Matthew 4:1-11]

Your heavenly Father is calling you FORWARD right now. Out of misery, out of cynicism, out of grumbling, out of fruitlessness, and into inheritance, promise, joy, and the anointed place of His open-handed Presence. Never let a Wilderness, a valley, or a storm experience convince you to remain in a place God wanted you to travel through to your next mountain. Trust God. Get up and journey on. God is faithful. If He said you will get there, you will get there! If God said it,  you can (MUST) believe it!

Regardless of where you are with God today, remember that He has set a path for your good. If it’s not good yet, it may mean you’re just in a valley and God is not done yet. Keep going, God will complete what He has started!

All things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. [Romans 8:28] In Him, every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight And the rough places smooth; The glory of the LORD shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken. [Isaiah 40:4-5]

Don’t make your home in a graveyard when God wants to lead you to His mountain! Let His Spirit lead you!



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on NicoSmit

Featured Image by Joe from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Nico Smit is Lead Pastor at RiverCity Churches (Australia), Chairman at Gateway Life Solutions, Director at OCI Foundation, and a respected prophetic voice in the Christian community, and a council member on the Australian Prophetic Council. He holds a clinical counsellor's registration and is a current member on the Australian Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists. He has over 30 years of missions, leadership, church planting and church building experience. Author of 5 published books. Based in Australia. From Durban, South Africa. Married to Joe-Ann. Two married adult children and four beautiful grandchildren.