Nico Smit

Get Up and Build

See I give you a new anointing to build things that will bless, endure, and be a refuge for generations!

Where Can I Fall?

If the fire of God’s revival should fall today, many would not step into it because their lives would be too full, stuffed, and cluttered with other stuff.

Get Out of the Trenches

If I have your ‘YES’ then you must come out of your underground holes, hidden sanctuaries, secret lives, veiled caves, and move with Me.

Let God Redeem Your Tongue

When the church decides to deny themselves pick up their cross and follow Jesus… they will sound like heaven on earth!

Glory Foundation

You are approved to proceed! It’s time to move FORWARD with the things long waited for.

Just Be a SPONGE for God!

We can be filled with the Spirit of God to the point where when squeezed, ALL THAT COMES OUT OF US IS JESUS!

Worship is Not Yours!

Worship was always meant to be the place where you give it ALL back to God and ask Him what He wants.

The Suddenly is Mine!

The pace has picked up speed… the signs are there… there is evidence the seasons are changing.

These Walls Must Fall!

There are still too many Jericho’s standing, too many doors still shut, and too many of God’s children living in sadness.

Big Faith and Big Dreams

Amazing things happen when you give your god-sized dreams to the Almighty One who can make them come true!