So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Romans 14:12
Every business and organization has to have someone who stands in as an accountant. That person is to record all financial transactions, both in purchasing and selling, to keep a track record of the money. This is so that there is record proof of what was spent and saved, and where all of the money is. It benefits the investors and the government for tracking the money flow, as to whether it was legally or illegally dealt with.
Right after Paul talks about being careful in judging others, he tells the Roman church that everyone, including himself, will have to give an account of themselves before God someday.
It can be easily seen by watching or reading the news that not everyone in a business is always faithful or truthful. Over and over, again and again, people can be seen who have misused money in many ways. They pocket some, use it to purchase personal things, use it to buy someone’s vote, or some other illegal way of use.
While most people will probably never be in a position of being able to do something like that on a grand scale, everyone has something that they are accountable for. One of the greatest things is that every person is accountable for what they say, think, and do before God and man.
Every idle word or thought is heard by God and must be taken into account. If a word, thought or action goes against God’s commands, it is a sin. Any one sin receives the punishment of death. God in His grace and mercy has paid for that sin through Jesus Christ.
Believers will one day stand before God to give an account for all their words and actions. Sinful things must be repented of and forgiven, or else there is punishment of eternal death.
Each day you have hundreds of thoughts, words, and actions. Some of those will most likely be against God. God sees all of those things and will hold you accountable for them. Take time to repent of any that are sinful so that in the final day when Jesus returns you can say your sins have been removed by the blood of Jesus. You will be able to account for those words and actions. And all good actions and words will receive a blessing from God in heaven.
Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will know that all of your thoughts and actions are open to God; that you will seek God’s forgiveness for all sins; and that God will guide you in living in obedience to Him each day.
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This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom
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