Get Up and Build

See I give you a new anointing to build things that will bless, endure, and be a refuge for generations!

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Build up! Build up the road! Prepare the highway! Remove every obstacle from the way.’ [Isaiah 57:14 ISV]

I heard God say:

“Get ready for Promised Land living! Let go of the past! Clear the construction site! Roll up your sleeves and build! You’ve lost nothing on the road that will stop your build from succeeding! You lack nothing for it to grow and rise above the clouds. At My word, if you will get up and build, My plan will work! See I give you a new anointing to build things that will bless, endure, and be a refuge for generations! The aimless wandering of the wilderness people is over. The nomadic landless ones have become farmers. The hard ground has become prime land. The roving saint will be planted in a fruitful orchard where they will once again bear My kind of fruit. The tents of the drifter are giving way to the establishments of heirs and lords. The manna has stopped, and the harvest has come. You have been saved, delivered, and set free.

You’ve arrived in the ‘promised land’ but living here is different. This land comes with an assignment to build and steward. The curse is removed, and the land is fruitful. If you want more, you will need to go forward and take hold of it! If you want greater, you will need to hear Me and build what I show you. See I have laid before you all I have promised you and all its abundance. I have held nothing back… but to take hold of it, occupy it, and steward it into greatness. YOU will need to rise up, take off your helpless hat, and start apostolically building things again.

YOU decide if this will be your future. But I say… Wake up, sleeper. Rise from the dead. THEN Christ will shine on you. [Ephesians 5:14]

  • Put aside your regrets, fears, and laziness… its time to get up and build!
  • Put aside your doubts, negativity, and bitterness… its time to get up and build!
  • Put aside the things that didn’t work, the things that hurt you, and the messes you’ve made… it’s time to get up and build!
  • Put aside your fantasy plans (I heard God say tumbleweed plans that have no roots and bear no fruit) for what you want to build and be humble enough to join in on what I AM blessing and what I AM building. Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. [Matthew 7:24-25]

If you build here, you will see supernatural results!

Remember when God told Zerubbabel in Zechariah 4:6: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” and then He said: YOU will rebuild the Temple, and as YOU put the last stone in place, then the people will shout, ‘Beautiful, beautiful!’ This is what God is showing me. It will be both… letting God do it and working together with God. When you get up in obedience, go in trust, and build in faith, THEN you will see the work completed supernaturally. Not by your might or by your own strength, but by God’s own SPIRIT moving through you!

Fact is:… you’re not going to benefit from what God is releasing right now unless you are willing to get up and do what He says. Stop looking in the natural and start looking by faith. Real faith produces and births things from the heart of God.

Too many have replaced a faith that works with a fantasy birthed in laziness, complacency, and presumption. This is an unbiblical lie and a deception because it denies Jesus’ teachings on the privilege of stewardship. He taught that God would add talents, minas (money,) and cities, but first faithful servants would need to do something with what He had already entrusted to them.

As God gives seed to the farmer, so He also gives building material to the builder. You already have your investment. It may be small, but you already have it. God wants to accelerate your momentum and multiply your investment in this next season.

He promises to give you every place you put your feet, but first, you need to move your feet. This is what has kept so many people in stasis. I hear people complain for years about how stuck they are, but they never get out of the boat or give God anything to work with. They wait for a miracle to fall out of the sky without any investment of faith. I believe in this next season there will be an abundance of miracles. They will come in overflow to those who allow God to add His super to their natural. What was impossible without God becomes possible with His blessing.

How much do you believe?

If you were to back your faith how big a step would you be willing to take?

God is giving you wide open spaces to build!

Will you give Him wide open spaces in your life to fill?

God is giving you great treasure to steward!

Will you give Him your best treasure in worship?

Don’t let your building plans lapse. It’s time to get up and build!

Echo Nehemiah by saying, “The God of heaven will give us success.” [Nehemiah 2:20]


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on NicoSmit

Featured Image by Angela Yuriko Smith from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Nico Smit is Lead Pastor at RiverCity Churches (Australia), Chairman at Gateway Life Solutions, Director at OCI Foundation, and a respected prophetic voice in the Christian community. National elder with ACTS Global churches in Australia and a council member on the Australian Prophetic Council. He holds a clinical counsellor's registration and is a current member on the Australian Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists. He has over 30 years of missions, leadership, church planting and church building experience. Author of 5 published books. Based in Australia. From Durban, South Africa. Married to Joe-Ann. Two married adult children and four beautiful grandchildren.