Get on God’s Platform

Finding a daily routine that fits life can definitely feel like a theme park ride on the tallest and most dangerous roller coaster.

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Do you have trouble creating a definite purpose (a plan) for daily living? Does calamity lay claim to your heart as you think about how you thought this time in your life would go? Do you ask, “How can I plan well when life brings so many stressors that wreck my well-intentioned routines?”

John 10:10 speaks about the devil going out to steal, kill, and destroy. I believe this also relates to attacking the very minute by minute in which we live our lives— The schemes (plans) of the evil one will attempt, in every effort, to throw us off track and into chaos, and this can take place in our homes, hearts, and minds!

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

– John 10:10 ESV

Creating working strategies (good habits and routines) within our lives can become super overwhelming to think about; at times we may have the stratagem part down and do well with it, yet at other times… not so much. The not so subtle, subterfuge bus of bedlam (covid chaos, political unrest, unexpected job or life changes, pain, or all of the above) can slam us to the ground and try to steal all beautiful hope of implementing any plan, at any time, in the near future— or so it impresses upon our souls.

Finding a daily routine that fits life can definitely feel like a theme park ride on the tallest and most dangerous roller coaster— and just when there is a resemblance of sanity, you find yourself suddenly plummeting into a valley, up another hill, down another valley— Am I creating a visual here?

So how can we get off this roller coaster? How can we implement plans effectively? Will plans always try to go awry? Is it even worth creating a daily plan in the first place?

The truth is, yes, you can choose level ground and step off the wild ride of chaos (successfully implementing daily habits and routines efficiently), and YES it is worth it! As far as plans trying to go awry? Well, that would be a yes to— because life will continue to throw things your way, however, if you have solid feet on the ground, you don’t have to get back on that roller coaster over and over again! And if you do end up taking a short ride, with the correct tools and processes in place, you can jump off quickly and gain solid ground more easily.

The processes of planning, when broken down fittingly, can create a good and solid plan (habits and routines) to build your life upon. A foundational system that when temporarily thwarted, gives you a (home) to come back to quickly; a place of security from the chaos. While I finish up creating some special tools and devotionals for this specific topic, I wanted to, in the meantime, create something that will help you easily jump off the roller coaster and onto God’s steady platform. Grab your free instant printable to get started today!



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on

Featured Image by blueberry Maki on Unsplash


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About the Author

Rose Ward is the founder of Ministry Moms, Mother Bears of Canada, and Bloom & Reed —an online platform that develops and creates content and educational resources for Christian Women in Ministry (Writers, Speakers + Creatives), Youth, and Children.

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