
When I would see people being generous, it really baffled me. How could people let go so easily?

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“Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. ‘For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.'” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (NLT)

I was a miser. I held onto my money and I spent as little as possible. I used to agonize over selecting food on a restaurant menu. I would try to find the cheapest option, often choosing something that was “okay” in place of something I’d really enjoy, just because of $0.50 or $1 difference. At the time, being “cheap” with my money equaled being responsible.

When I would see people being generous, it really baffled me. It seemed like a nice gesture but I did not understand how they could psychologically do it. I was always trying to hold on to every penny. How could people let go so easily?

Then slowly, God began introducing me to the idea of generosity. I first remember hearing about it in church. The speaker kept encouraging us, “Never resist a generous impulse.” The idea of being open-handed with my money was appealing, but it was also a big hurdle.

It was a strange concept to me, that I could be joyful in giving. And I honestly didn’t know how to be a “cheerful giver.” But I kept reminding myself of 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.

I began practicing the idea of being generous. I would give in ways that made me a little uncomfortable. It was nothing huge or out of the ordinary, but it was me taking baby steps.

I can see now the baby steps I took a few years ago have led me to a complete change of mindset. I can honestly say I’ve been set free from being a “Scrooge.” I don’t hold on to every penny as if it’s my last. It has set me free in ways I never imagined. I can see now that holding tightly to each and every cent was actually allowing money to control me.

Are you tight with money, to the point it has become a burden? Would you like to feel the freedom to be generous with your financial resources? Pray that God shows you how to be generous with what He’s given you.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on

Featured Image by Annie Spratt

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About the Author

Danielle Harmon, CFP(r) is passionate about finances. She works as a Financial Planner and enjoys helping people plan for retirement. Having always loved math, writing is something she never expected to be doing! She and her husband live in Upstate SC and are raising their three boys to love God and make smart choices with their money.

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