I have been seeing and feeling the heart of God for the city of Chicago. Oh, how He LOVES you! I woke up in the night and God began to download His heart of love and here are some of His thoughts.
Chicago- Jesus carries you in the hollow of His hand. Gather the wise men for your harvest because the wind of God’s Spirit will blow. The fire of His Spirit will glow in your city and you will be known as the city of life (no longer strife). His wind will blow upon your shores. His fire will burn to purge and bring a great turning in your city.
I see families being fortified and sons and daughters re-aligning their identity to King Jesus. Moms and Dads will no longer weep at what the enemy caused in your families. You will be known for the strength of your family trees once again. God has called you unto righteousness and your roots will not groan but will grow and lengthen and He will strengthen your root system and build upon the Root that brings life- not strife or corruption.
In worship I kept seeing a bull and I didn’t know it was associated with Chicago and I heard that “you are a bull in the spirit” and I felt Him saying that Chicago is a leader and He will champion you!! Watch and see what I will do, says the Lord.
“From the black hawks to your riverwalk I will be there to bring right standing with Me. No longer a club or a hub. I am sending angel-armies against all corruption. Your magnificent mile will bring a smile to my heart once again. Your magnificent mile will expand and you will become my magnificent city. You will shine with my opulent glory. A city upon a hill. Your good works will shine upon your bulwarks. My glory will fortify you and become a testimony within your families. Your gold coast will boast of the great love I have for you, Chicago!”
I prophesy to you that a new song will be sung starting in 2020 and especially into 2021. I hear a city singing, bringing much-needed victory. Your roar will reverberate along your shores, spreading like fire to each district. I hear the sound of My Spirit in your churches, your homes, and on the streets.
It is very sweet to the ears of God and He sees you! Be blessed Chicago…we love you and you have great redemptive glory!
Featured Image by Sawyer Bengtson on Unsplash
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